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Everything posted by peacectryguy

  1. This might get me a reprimand from the "macho, he-man club" but I love cuddling and snuggling and lying there in each others arms. :icon_biggrin: I think I like that part just about as much as the other fun stuff.
  2. I'd like to think it's happening but I am just a "guy", lol. Seriously though, I would think it would be more likely with two people that have had multiple encounters, don't you think? Not that it can't happen on a first date, I'm pretty sure it's happened once or twice with me. I just think that chemistry can develop more with repeat visits.
  3. Well, first things first, congrats on the first 24 days, Bianca and best of luck keeping at it. As for me, I smoked when I was young and at 19, I quit. Got the flu for a week, didn't smoke and after that just did it cold turkey. Now, of course, the habit wasn't as bad so I didn't have as hard a time with the withdrawal. So I don't know how much advice I can give but I just think it's mind over matter as much as anything else. On a side note, wow, 36 years since I did that and now just passed 18 since I quit drinking. Dang, I'm getting old.:frown:
  4. Well, earlier today I had a lengthy post all typed up in response to this thread but it seems somewhere in there I had a word on the censor list. Couldn't find it and just gave up. Oh well, the point of it was that this has all been discussed so much, I'm just tired of it. Those of us with somewhat rational minds are all more or less in agreement that things are very unlikely to change a whole lot for those of us who already use our big brains. As for the main topic of this thread, I cannot see any lady giving up her clients under any conditions and I honestly don't see L.E. even trying to get one to.
  5. I don't know if the term "true friendship" can be completely quantified. I mean, I've had friends come and go my entire life and it doesn't seem to matter whether they have been in a personal contact or on-line or whatever. I guess I'm the kind of guy who just can't form that bond that most people consider true. Probably why my marriage failed. I don't open up about my feelings much. I've always been very solitary and will always be that way. As for this site and other forum boards, I think I can honestly say, I've developed a certain friendship aspect and the anonimity means nothing to me along those lines. I've chatted with people on-line for years and have found that we can converse and develop friendships without ever meeting face to face. Some last, some don't so I don't know if one can call that "true". I only know that I find myself closer to being friends with people out here in these forums then anyone in my personal life.
  6. I had to go back and read this whole thread again to see what I missed. It seems the "terms of endearment" are maybe 70% against ( I didn't count, just guessing). Never would have realized that some people are so turned off by that but hey, it's all cool. It's funny when the comments from ladies from Newfoundland and some other places don't even realize they are using those terms. It's just part of their day to day vocabulary. I've been to the southern and mid-west states some and boy, you wanna talk about the "huns" and "darlins" and "sweeties", lol. I think even a few of the guys use the terms there. :smile:. The one thing I would add to my earlier contribution is the "time" factor. It's been mentioned but if I book an hour or 90 minutes or whatever, that is my time and mine alone except for emergencies or obviously some bad behavior on my part (something that would never happen, I assure you). So what if I'm a bit early on the delivery or having a rough day, performance wise. The remainder of the time can be spent in conversation or even just laying there in each others arms gazing into each others eyes. Getting up and grabbing the phone to check messages or worse, texting your friend or sister or whatever is a big no-no. If/when that happens, I get dressed and leave and a repeat visit is not going to happen. I just cut my losses. And to add to that note, to the guys, when you text one of the ladies and she doesn't answer in 5, 10 mins, whatever, don't keep texting and texting. Did you ever consider that she might be in a session with, oh, I don't know, ME? Lol. She will return your message when she is "available". All in all, though, the majority of the ladies in this industry are great and I can't say I've had too many "bad" experiences.
  7. I agree, this and school zone/ playground speeding are my biggest road "pet peeves". I am sick of these people that think their lives are so important, they can't wait 30 seconds or slow down and be aware of children crossing the road or debarking from a bus. Hell, I have a busy schedule in my work but even when the bus has just the yellow light flashing, I stop and wait. I remember one time stopping for a school bus that was just starting to stop and had the yellow lights on. The two cars behind me did the same but behind that some idiot pulled out and barreled past us all doing about 120kph to get by before the sign came out and the bus had the red lights going. I seriously wanted to track the guy down and beat his ass but I was so stunned, I didn't even get the license plate.
  8. Yeah, common sense is anything but common these days, it seems. I wonder if someone should start a course at the local community college to teach it to all the dummies out there. That could be my retirement job. Of course, most of my days would be spent in "facepalm" mode. :icon_wink:
  9. Lots of good advice from all the ladies and I echo a lot of what has been said. BP isn't all bad but like the ladies have pointed out, do a little research. Check pictures using something like Tineye or similar. If the pictures are fake, how can the lady in question be considered totally honest? That's just a starting point though. There are subtle signs that things aren't quite kosher. One thing I have noticed is some of the BP ads where the ladies name seems to change on a weekly basis yet the pictures are the same. Maybe she's just trying to find the right name or maybe she's dodging trouble, I don't know but it's a red flag for me. Another one is the phone numbers. If a different girl shows up on there every few days but the number is the same, my guess is they are being handled by somebody else, agency or worse and that is not a good sign. Lastly, if you see an ad that looks just too good to be true, try looking at the BP ads for another city and see if the same pictures and ad show up. It would be a neat trick for a lady to be in Alberta and Ontario the same night. Lots of reputable ladies post ads on there so it just takes a little patience and smarts to see what's real and what's suspect.
  10. I think texting has become the most intrusive thing in our modern society. People think that they can text and text and text some more. Honestly, sometimes I would just prefer the phone call. If I am busy, I can explain that clearly and just say the I will call them back when I am available. Now, for you ladies, I can't imagine the idiots you have to deal with on a daily basis but I know if I sent a text to a lady and she said, "I'm just sitting down to eat.", I would text one more time to apologize and just get in touch when you are available. Simple courtesy, imo, but I realize that courtesy and manners are getting rare these days, much like common sense.
  11. You tell em you lost count a while back but you could check the database. And then say "Bazinga!" On the serious side though, why the hell does it matter to a guy? I just don't get it. What's worse is these are usually the guys trolling BP and getting crappy service or worse yet, ripped off because they don't have a clue how to do this responsibly and smart.
  12. There, it's all good. Now I have both bookmarked. I only had trouble getting in once before anyway. No biggie. Again, thanks to Mod for all the hard work and the continued help in the process of all this.
  13. I have honestly never asked for or about specifics in my communications even long before this nonsense started so that really doesn't change for me. Now, part of that was because most ads and websites were fairly detailed so there was no need to ask. That is one thing that will change. For me, it isn't that important and as long as our communication has no explicit illegal tone to it, all will be fine. After all, we can "talk" all the livelong day as long as we don't mention money or you know what. Most of this really goes back to proper etiquette and stuff we have discussed before as well.
  14. I agree wholeheartedly, brother RG. It is easy to take for granted what the ladies do but this thing has made them have to really re-think everything and work extra hard to get it "just right" so as not to violate this idiotic new legislation.
  15. One thing to add to my previous statement is that while I understand having to remove certain terms from ads and recos because of this law, I am rather disturbed that many words/ terms have to be removed from our day to day conversations on our forums. It can sometimes take something away from the context. However, the way this law was written can confuse even some brilliant legal minds, let alone a bunch of average "joes" such as myself so we have to adapt and deal with it accordingly. I'm sure the legal council for the owners of the site have scoured every minute detail to protect the site from government and LE so I'll preview, edit or whatever I have to do in an effort to comply. Eventually, this will be just a blip on the radar, I hope.
  16. Lol, I seriously think I would snap if I was in the House for that. One time, I watched about 5 minutes on TV and it took every ounce of will I had not to throw my TV off the balcony. :roll:
  17. It is sad that our government is systematically taking away our freedoms and freedom of speech is the one we are talking about here.I despise this as much as anyone, especially in the week that we honor so many who have sacrificed so much for these freedoms. However, we have to do what we must to "weather the storm" as it were. This is hard for all of us and we will need to keep our wits about us and work together. Being divided amongst ourselves only hurts us. Let's support the site and the mods in their attempt to keep this community alive and safe for us all. What I see in this community is a great many intelligent, thoughtful adults, not a bunch of squabbling teenagers so let's try to remain civil with each other and united even in the face of something designed to tear this all apart. We will prevail in the long run. I truly believe that even though I admit that it won't be easy. I did not join this site for some "penthouse letters" talking about all the positions and details. I joined here because it seemed to rise above that with class and dignity. Maybe I'm talking out of my butt here but I want this place to go on and remain as a beacon of how to engage in this hobby the "right" way.
  18. sorry, I looked and didn't see it in the news section. Guess I didn't look hard enough. Maybe Mod can combine this with that one then.
  19. At least one major city in this country can see more clearly how short sighted and harmful this new law is. I believe Victoria has issued something similar as well. Of course, the west coast is very progressive and Vancouver does not want to create more Robert Pinktons. I hope some other major cities can follow suit as well. It is still here and we have to deal with it accordingly but if enough cities are on board, it may open a few eyes and reduce risk to client and SP alike. I'm not overly optimistic but I am slightly encouraged. http://vancouver.ca/news-calendar/city-response-to-passing-of-bill-.....aspx
  20. I only quoted this part of fortunateone's post because this is what I consider to be the most vital part of all of this. It is something we should have been doing all along, especially with BP and CL to avoid the scams. We are adding stings to a long list of things in these ads. "Bait& switch", "Theft from some pimp", "sub-standard hygiene", so many things.The red flags are there for all to see and like I have said here and elsewhere, "Think with the big brain!" I can't stress that enough. Also, get yourself a reverse image search downloaded or whatever like Tineye or something. If things don't look kosher, stay away.
  21. Lily, I understand what you are saying but I think it is something both SP's and clients will have to deal with. The first few minutes of a session will have to be devoted to discussing these things instead of just "getting right to it". A little inconvenient, yes but something people will have to do. Honestly, in many cases, we already do this and I don't think it's really that big of a deal. It only takes a couple of minutes and can be done without ruining the atmosphere or moment pretty easily. Hell, I've discussed it with some ladies after coming out of the shower. The emails are another option, I suppose but sometimes not practical if a guy is at work or on his phone. I think there are only a few "menu" items that are sticking points anyway. We all know what they are and if we haven't already established which certain providers we see who offer those, some of us may just have to deal with a little less sometimes until we do. I can't speak for everybody but I think we can adapt pretty easily if we just are smart about it.
  22. Can we get a giant AMEN from the congregation. :icon_lol: Such a relief that we are all being "saved" from our perverted ways and exploitation. Oh, you poor dears, had I only known that I was causing you to be drug dependent and abused by pimps and trafficked into slavery and all that. I would have mended my ways. Now, wtf am I supposed to do with the daily "morning wood"? Jebus, enlighten me please. :icon_wink:
  23. I think this is what some of us have been saying we think will happen since this whole thing started. It doesn't surprise me hearing this from an actual cop. They will always go after the "low hanging fruit" as it were because spending time and resources on busts without significant convictions is wasteful and they know it. I remember when the gun registry law came in. At the time, I was doing work for a few different RCMP (some active, some recently retired), and they were, to a man, disgusted by the law creating extra work for them and keeping them from doing the "real" police work of protecting citizens from "actual" criminals. An excerpt from the Wikipedia description of how the law has worked in Sweden is interesting in that after several years, there was never any jail time handed out. I don't know if these numbers are from that specific year or overall but it's still pretty small, imo. In 2008 the number of police reports was 1,500 with 86 convictions in 2006. A Supreme court ruling has prevented the optional jail term being applied, and some parliamentarians have called for a minimum one year jail term.[182][183] To date nobody has been imprisoned, according to Swedish Public Radio. [184] A number of sources suggest that the law is not being enforced very strictly.[185] Figures released in July 2010, suggest a large increase in the number of men reported for paying sex, which was attributed to increased police activity. The number of convictions was not reported.[186][187]
  24. I am actually somewhat happy that the "menu" is something we are going away from. I know that some guys are really particular about what they want and don't want and need more info but for me, it's just not that important. I think guys may have to see a lady for a 30 minute "coffee date" or whatever (not in public) and find out if the fit is right. Perhaps seeing what she offers or restrictions in person but my suggestion is to just go with the flow and not be worrying about those little details. There is a lot more to a great sexual encounter than the acronyms or the little details. We all need to quit treating this as if we are driving up to a hooker stroll picking up a streetwalker for a .. in the parking lot. These ladies invest heavily in putting a classy ad and/or website out there for us and we need to appreciate that and give them the courtesy and respect that goes with that. I'm not being a "white knight" here either. Just simply saying that we need to stifle the little brain and start working more on our ability to read and our deductive reasoning skills. I think most of us are pretty good at it when we apply ourselves. As for the food comparisons, it could be fun just in chatting and fooling around (while we are behind closed doors) but beyond that, not so much.
  25. Well shit, color me foolish, Miss Nicki, lol. And here I thought I was being helpful. Oh well, I'll read the new one too and btw, I don't mind "wordy". I actually love the sensual prose. The more of it there is, the happier and more intrigued I become. Now if I could only win the damn lottery.
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