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Everything posted by vanxander

  1. im sure for the right price you could coax someone out there. but a 4 hour drive each way. pretty much using up the ladys whole day. youd be looking at a pretty penny. id also assume thered have to be a way to guarantee payment as calls fall through a lot in the industry. not saying youd do that but its bad enough when it happens within city limits. 8 hours of wasted time would be bad.
  2. Same becky that used to work at moonlight. been a couple years since i seen her but she was a pretty girl that gave pretty good service.
  3. just cause a girl doesnt want to speak on the phone doesnt necessarily mean shes bad or up to something. could just be using a pay as you go phone and talking uses up a lot more money then texting.
  4. kaylee kisses used to have a guy shed do duos with for guys who want MMW, you could try her and just watch them if she still offers that.
  5. i know they have a bunch of new girls there. dont know about their service though.
  6. i know her, pics are really her but last i saw shed put on some weight. those pics are a couple years old. very nice girl but ive never had a session with her so i dont know what her service is like.
  7. this the same Katie that used to go by the name Destiny a while back?
  8. you can get pay as you go phones from 7 11 for like 20$
  9. very well reviewed, here are some of them http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27103
  10. its executive bath/time out that has the book with pictures
  11. this is a recomendation board and if no one has recomended her you can figure out what the overall opinion is of her.
  12. we sent a pretty harsh email and the adds got taken down.
  13. Hi, its possible one of the guys here could answer but im trying the ladies first. a friend of mine who was a provider who has quit the business just found out that her add is still being posted on a different site without her consent. the adds are old ec adds from over 2 years ago. i`ll pm the name of the site if you need it (seen a few girls from here on there and even 1 that was murdered a couple years ago) but can a site be sued or anything for stealing a girls add and posting it on their site?
  14. smokin body, tried to see her before but never replied to my text
  15. not sure about eb but the others you just leave the cash on the table and the girl will usually ask what you want and if you left enough out she does it. but if not she`ll tell you how much for what you want. its pretty straight forward. no need for secret language or beat around the bush. they know why youre there.
  16. the tattoo is "Money Maker" guess you only saw half her butt lol
  17. in my defence i couldnt figure out who you were to ask. but based on your pics, wow i can see why youre so well liked.
  18. cant even find her, saw a review but no add anywhere. ive just given up for the weekend. thanks to those who offered assistance
  19. that was the only emily that came up in a search :s
  20. first weekend i havent had to work in a long time so i wanted some fun. Already knew who i wanted to see but all 3 are out of town/unavailable. can anyone recommend a lady who is on the younger side (about 30 or less) and does bbbj? thanks
  21. Do his girls do anything wrong or are they just associated with a loser?
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