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Everything posted by rickyj

  1. Thanks for the info. Also read through the links. Unfortunately most of the info is geared toward thr oeners of the agency, drivers and the escorts. I want to know what i should be looking out for and saying (and not saying) as a hobbyist. I understand never talk about the exchange of $ for sex. But i've seen many times where you leave an envelope marked "bills" on the table only for the girl to turn around and say thats her fee for showing up or for her time. how can one ensure both sides get what they bargained for. thanks in advance.
  2. Hi new to the forums. Had a newbie question, hoping someone could point me in the right dirction or provide me with a previous link (i tried the search function without much luck) on what not to say or do to get one self in trouble or break the law. 1as a rookie i understand that one should 1. NEVER pay for sex. 2. pay for time only 3. if the other indiv is indeed not LE they likely won't expose themself 4. after that 2 consenting adults are free to talk about what they want as long as its done privately i.e. not in a public space what am i missing? looking for some veteran help as i witnessed a colleague get himself into a lot of heat with the law and with his family. thanks in advance.
  3. Hi everyone first time poster. Have an upcoming business trip to Ottawa and i wanted to know if the rules are any different on the Ontario side the Quebce side? speaking in terms of alchohol, hours of operation and contact. Also, whats the best strip club on a monday night? I like latina, lebanese, exotic, pretty much anything brunette. lastly, whats the going rate for a dance in the Ottawa area? thanks in advance.
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