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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Salmon. Have not tried catfish before. Sky diving or bungee jumping?
  2. The whole day has been a highlight. Morning coffee on the beach. Swimming and making new friends all day. Learning how to catch a fish like the locals. And then having supper with all my new friends on the beach.
  3. Experinced. In or outservice?
  4. The only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys!!
  5. LOL u have a nice varied selection there.
  6. Soft rock most definatley. Chilling at the beach or going fishing.
  7. Lmao just spit my drink all over my screen after seeing this. Thanks for a great laugh.
  8. Both for sure. Eating in or dining out?
  9. Getting to my destination and being told I get to chill in town for the next 5 days instead of going to the rig :) Still get paid but get to enjoy the sights in another country.
  10. AHHHHH so the need for lumber makes sense now lol. Additional Comments: That is awesome.
  11. You need to make a nice sunday with them ;) Additional Comments: You bought wood?
  12. Some one needs a licking!
  13. Some lobster steaks and 48 beer. Having some friends over for one last good meal before 2 months of Camp food.
  14. LOL hopefully u have some lube handy
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