Hi Everyone,
I've appreciated your info for a while now, and now my first post!
I have some exp with SPs but still relatively new (Broadways mainly). I'm looking to making an appointment soon and Christy from BP is the girl that just keeps grabbing my attention. I'm a bit of a softy, so I'm into the companionship side of things as much as the athletics and her videos are right up my alley.
Here's her ad: http://winnipeg.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/too-good-to-be-true-im-the-whole-package-amazingly-beautiful-real-photos-no-rush-2049303723-25/2134240
I've read some mixed reviews here and elsewhere, in some cases "mixed" is putting it mildly, just wondering if anyone who has actually seen her would be willing to share how their session actually went via PM.
Thanks in advance!