Lots of good rhetoric in this thread but I like the KISS principle - whenever you make a decision/do something that you feel good about inside about it, you are true to your personal integrity.
I have been tested twice -
Once when I entered my second long term relationship with my current SO. I had been a man slut for the intervening months since my divorce was finalized.
The second time a bout a month ago - I have been hobbying since start of this year and felt it was wise to follow up.
Will probably do another round after C-36 drys up the well...
I could barely read the 'quotes' - the post is biased to say the least - some johns are perverts and those guys fit the bill. I have surfed a few boards since december and NEVER encountered those kinds of comments.
How long did they have to troll for that muck?
I shave and shower before any SP visit - this is after all a date with a lady.
Deodorant, cologne, teeth brushed and I even dip willie in mouthwash :)
[pleasant surprise to some ladies...]
I expect them to be clean - why wouldn't I be.
I have a few ladies I will visit for 'tea' until I see where the dust settles - C-36 will never stand review by the SCC but until then things will depend on local LE enforcement policies and I don't want to be the exemplar case...