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About gogofmagog

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    General Member

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  1. You evidently are a veteran and have a grip on reality. BTW... I have seen you ... and you were magical.
  2. They are around.... do yourself a favour.... wait for a visiting sp.
  3. From my experience... most sps are not interested in prolonging the session but in making it as short as possible.
  4. I can tell you how long it takes to be removed as a member.... within minutes.
  5. Lighten up. It's a compliment. I would worry when the honking stops.
  6. Anyone remember the Asian R/T across from Belmont Metal? Shut down ASAP by our LE in an effort to "serve and protect". Giving dirtbags handjobs... a menace to society. A fine use of our resources. PEI is an place flush with church going q tips.... such open debauchery with not be tolerated here for a long... long time...
  7. Oh no? What ... pray tell .... are they paying for then?
  8. Looks like I am the only one paying for pussy..... ... the rest of you are paying for "time and companionship"?
  9. Mods? What would happen if I replied in kind? Who here prepays ... seriously?
  10. Never met a courtesan that wasn't shaved....
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