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About Smithwick

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  1. Noticed that on the Studio Aura website that Alice, Rachel, and Layla are not listed in this weeks schedule (Alice hasn't been scheduled for a few weeks now), and their profiles on the Attendants page are not clickable. Anyone know if they're still there? Seems like they've been there forever. It would be such a shame if they are gone. They were all fantastic!! On the Studio Aura Facebook page, a post today states that "Changes Coming Soon." It may just be an update to the website with all of the personnel changes, but seems a bit cryptic nonetheless.
  2. I've seen four different sps, and in making our initial contacts, three of them have taken longer to respond to email than I would prefer. Sometimes to the point that I (without basis) would think that they were ignoring me. Point being prompt email response is not the be all end all. To say that the lady would lose your business because of this is short sighted. As Savannah stated above, we all have our lives outside of work. One doesn't know someone else's situation, so it isn't fair to criticize. In each of my sp experiences, including those that took some time to get a response, I have been rewarded for waiting patiently for them to get back to me. And in one case, I have found a relationship that I treasure more than many in my life. I can't imagine giving that up for the sake of a few days.
  3. Smithwick


    See my link below for my review of my duo encounter with Emily and Savannah Lane. Spoiler alert: It was swell!! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=548369#post548369
  4. I've been thinking lately that I should probably update my recommendations of Savannah Lane and Emily Rushton. However, I am a lazy, lazy man. "Damn, I don't wanna write two recommendations!" exclaimed I. The only way I could think of to get out of this conundrum was to see both at the same time. (poor me, right?) In all seriousness, a duo encounter is something that's been on my mind for some time. Once I found out that Emily and Savannah were having incalls in St. John's at the same time, I tried to get something arranged. Luckily at the time I found out, These two lovely ladies were on tour together. As always, setting up a date and time was seamless, and of course the ladies were more than willing to indulge me in my long awaited fantasy. The date began with me arriving at Savannah's room. We hugged and exchanged one of those deep passionate kisses that long lost lovers are known to do. I have yet to find someone who kisses like her. That alone makes everything worth it! Emily joined us a few minutes later, and the three of us had some great conversation. Once the conversations were done, Emily excused herself to wash up before "getting more comfortable." Before I knew it, Savannah was in her Victoria Secret bra and panties (we have one of those now!!) under the guise that she it was "really warm here." Of course not that I minded! Emily and I joined her state of undress, and the fun began. My highlight of this was me simultaneously unclasping both of their bras while they kissed! Go Me!! Things then moved to the bed. While it did seem that most of their attention was focused on me, they still found time to please each other. I also discovered that the most invigorating sensations were when I was kissing one of them, eyes locked, while the other got down to business on me. The idea of not knowing what to expect really took me on a trip! To say that I was satisfied at the end of it all is a gross understatement. All my expectations were met, and far exceeded! At the end of our date, we stayed on the bed, naked, and having more great conversations. My advice to anyone looking to have a duo experience is to make it with two women who know each other well, and that you have a great connection with. I have been more than fortunate to have met a number of fantastic women on my hobbying journey over the past two years. Any number of these women would make fantastic duo partners. But in the end my choice was a perfect one. Emily and Savannah should be on everyone's bucket list! One less thing I don't have to regret not doing before I meet my maker!
  5. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to finally make the acquaintance of the lovely Savannah Lane. I learned of her months ago, and I simply watched in quiet admiration. Late in the summer, I finally built up the courage to make contact with her. Initially I just got to know her. We traded emails, learned about each other and flirted back an forth. Eventually we made a date for mid-October. At that point she hadn't made any in-call plans, so I requested a date and she obliged. However, less than a week after making that date, I got an unexpected day off, and luckily Savannah also had an in-call that day. Since I couldn't imagine having my desire for her wait any longer, I requested our date changed, and she was more than happy to accommodate me. And boy, am I ever glad she did!! I knocked on the door to her downtown hotel room, the door opened, and no Savannah in sight. I looked behind the door and discovered why. She was dressed in a lovely lace outfit that just covered all of the naughty bits! Before I ever got a chance to sit down our lips were locked as if we were lovers that hadn't seen each other in years. We struck up a bit of a conversation (I think I asked her how she was about five times), and then things got intimate. As always those details remain between us. I can say that I did provide an interesting first for her ;) I booked for two hours, and after the first hour ended, we spent about a half hour to forty-five minutes just cuddling and talking about life. I was as content as I'd ever been with a SP. The entire experience was one that I won't soon forget. Everything I have already read about Savannah is true, and then some! If you ever get the chance to meet this amazing woman, take full advantage!
  6. Hmm. Seems like I didn't think this one through. Just thought it might be an interesting idea, but I didn't think about how the ladies may feel about it. I certainly didn't want it to be taken as a "work for your supper situation" but I now see how it looks in the light of day. I guess I find the initial contact the most stressful part of the hobby, and I thought I could get around it in this way. Boy was I wrong Believe me, I have the utmost respect for the ladies of CERB. You are all truly beautiful women inside and out. I take this as a sign that I have to step back and reevaluate what I say and do. I apologize for anyone I have offended with this post. I am truly sorry
  7. The following was posted in grave error. See post 4 as I attempt to make good I'm nothing if not non-conformist. (And I also like triple negatives apparently) I'll be visiting Hali on September 24th and 25th, and I would love to see one of the fine ladies of Nova Scotia! But there are so many beauties that I can't decide. So I'm leaving it up to you, ladies. If you're gonna be in town on those days, let me know! You can fire me a PM, or if you'd prefer you can send me an email, just let me know and I'll send you the introductory email, letting you know a little about myself, hopefully to get a bit of conversation going. I'll also do a bit of research to make sure that we are completely compatible! And boys, if you have any recommendation of who you think would be a good girl to see, let me know as well! I come with impeccable references from some of the lovelies that I have seen in St. John's. Looking to see someone I wouldn't ordinarily find by a random search. If you think we might be a good match, just let me know! Looking forward to hearing from you!! Smith
  8. Malika is certainly not new to the scene, but she is new to St. John's. Here's hoping she makes us a regular stop!! I first learned of Malika (mah-LEE-ka) a few months ago by following her on Twitter. Even just 140 characters at a time, I was captivated by her. When she announced that she would be making a trip to my neck of the woods, I knew I had to jump at the chance! Our initial contact/get to know you process was basically smooth. When I first attempted to make contact she was out of the country, so I didn't hear back from her for about a week. But when she did get back to me, she apologized for the delay, but I was fine of course. She even was able to accommodate me with her flight schedule. The only day I was available was her last day, and she was planning to leave fairly early. Thankfully I booked with her weeks in advance, so she hadn't yet booked her departing flight. She was able to book one that was a bit later so that we could have our 2 hour morning rendezvous. Now guys not saying she can do that every time you request, but it seems she will do her utmost accommodate you. She's sweet like that :) We met in the early morning but I informed her I may run a few minutes late. When I sent her the text saying I was there, she promptly texted me back her hotel room number. No waiting. When I got there, the first thing I noticed was that she looks exactly like her pictures. Meeting someone for the first time, you're never quite sure if the girl you meet will be what you expect. Having sufficiently creeped her website as well as her Twitter and CERB profiles, I felt like I was meeting and old friend I hadn't seen in a long time. She was wearing a beautiful summer dress. Everything sufficiently covered, but areas exposed enough that I could see many of her beautiful tattoos. She really is literally a work of art. We started off by having a light breakfast that I had prepared. Just a heads up guys, she loves fine cheese, raspberries and good quality coffee. We chatted and ate, but before I even realized what was happening, our lips were locked. She is a great kisser. I firmly believe the french know how to do it best! I won't get into the gaudy details of our activities, but suffice to say we were both quite pleased. I will say that I have never quite had a DATY experience like that. She is blessed with being multi-orgasmic and I took full advantage. She is not the quietest when she is released, and her giggles afterward were so cute! I can still hear her!! The other thing I loved about her was that we spent a lot of time just lying, cuddling, and talking about life, the past and the future. She is french, but she has excellent command of English. She is a wonderful conversationalist. I envy the men of Toronto as they can take full advantage of this beauty throughout the year. For us here on the right coast, we have to take advantage when we can. I and wholeheartedly recommend you do just that. I know I will!!
  9. I also have my time booked with her. I've gotta say, I've been looking forward to this encounter more than I usually do. Can't friggin' wait!!
  10. I keep my profile locked so that no one accidentally stumbles upon my hobby. It's not to hide my true personality or anything like that. Just for discretionary purposes. If you do end up having someone follow you that is rude, vulgar and you wish would stop following you, just use the block button. They won't bother you on twitter after that!
  11. Do you have a rate for a 69 minute appointment? Seems just about perfect to me :)
  12. Just thought I'd throw that out there. WHO'S WITH ME!! EDIT: Apparently I can't spell!!
  13. REM both for music and sleep tall women or short women?
  14. ^^^and might I add she's already a very intriguing tweeter!
  15. Red For sports fans: Kate Beirness or Natasha Staniszewski (sp?)
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