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Bobcat boy

Senior Member (100+ Posts)
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Everything posted by Bobcat boy

  1. A must see guys. She is incredible. Best Asian provider I can remember and for all the guys that new Nico....she's twice as good. If that's possible!
  2. I think felina maybe a better choice
  3. Let us know how you make out Additional Comments: Let us know how you make out
  4. Lily at bamboo is no longer giving He. Still the best massage I think and will continue to go there.
  5. That's a great handle you have chosen as your name.
  6. As far as I know she is still in business.
  7. Good time to take one for the team. Let us know how you make out
  8. I use my regular cell phone. Never had a problem.
  9. So how was she? Let us know
  10. Something is different. Shu was always available pretty well on short notice and now it seems to be hit or miss or am I missing something?
  11. I too have had the pleasure of being with Felina. Everything she is has pretty well been said. Sensual, unrushed, great conversationalist. Not a spinner but a real nice Mexican package. Have repeated numerous times and will continue to do so.
  12. Have been to southpoint regularly. I find Sho to be the better of the 2. This is just my personal preference. She is friendly, accomodating and will definitely keep seeing. Always leave with a happy ending
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