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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. new tires and rims for my truck the "Monster"
  2. chicken and french fires with strawberries and honey for desert
  3. Spanking going out or staying in?
  4. my buddies in BC and in the Toronto area say the ladies there have not lost touch with their island culture lol I shall keep looking and perhaps get lucky with some independent lady making here way back to her home island lol
  5. my friend that I help had some car trouble on friday. A wheel almost feel of the car. I as always said I would pay the damage and was expecting it to be 2k plus. turned out this time it was only $345 including the tow charge because it was just loss wheel nuts.
  6. I have two people with the same name I frequently text. Today I got a txt from my banker and worked out some arraignments. Then I had to txt a business partner some fine details on a venture we are putting together. I always text my partner in partial code rather then write things out. So as part of my code I asked my partner did he prefer a draft or c i m. Now reading that my banker if he is up on the latest lingo might wonder why I would ask him if he wanted c i m lmfao lol If he asks this will be hard to explain lol and c i m is cash in the mail lol
  7. I watch few tv shows and any I do watch I watch online. So last night watched he last two current episodes and am now caught up lol
  8. I finally found and bought a new case for my blackberry Q5 those suckers are hard to find
  9. row boat whoopee in a plane or a train?
  10. ocean humid heat juice or water?
  11. cheese, and a beer both organic and now surfing before bed
  12. Ribs and chips. was good but they sure make them salty and make you want lots of water afters
  13. No idea so will say O-Train train or plane?
  14. organic beer, organic cheese, surfing and this time a some organic dried cranberries and a handful of unsalted peanuts
  15. My daughter wanted hamburgers for her birthday and wanted to eat together. so hamburgers it was sitting together and talking
  16. today is my daughters 17th birthday. We had a quiet evening just ourselves. She is such a good daughter and I am so proud of her
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