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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. same old same old organic cheese, organic beer and some surfing before bed
  2. Took my truck in for new tires $1500 only to be shown I need another $2500 in front end work. No worries but it sure makes a dent in my savings.
  3. organic cheese, organic beer and some surfing before bed the same as always
  4. none right now and I have pictures to prove it, if asked j/k lmfao lol
  5. First let me say I do not think this situation should have ever occurred. And I am posting this months and months after it happened because I do understand the rules here and am not about to identify the person in question or even confirm if said person is a member or not. But I am curious from a ladies perspective as to how I could have handled it. Because this has bothered me for a long time because I feel my good nature was taken advantage of. I had arrainged to see a certain lady well in advance of the actual time. In making our arriagments I enquired about certain things and was told such things make our companionship time a lot more expensive. I agreed to that and showed up at the agreeded time with my gift in an envelope and placed said envelope on the table. After doing so I was then told opsi what I had hoped to happen was no longer going to happen for whatever the reason was. Now donation is on the table and so I left it there and proceeded to partake of my companionship time however I feel some advance notice of such a change should have been given. I did not want to adjust the donation amount and look cheap but on the other hand it was a hefty amount I donated extra for what was now no longer happening. I feel in fairness the opsie should have been mentioned at the very least when I confirmed I had arrived and certainly before I had placed the envelope on the table. And the extra was the very reason I choose this particular companion over say a different companion. And I know the rules here. However there needs to be some accountability from both sides. In talking to a good buddy of mine this exact same thing happened to him with the exact same lady.
  6. eating organic cheese. and drinking an organic beer and a bit of surfing before bed
  7. Small breasts, toned abs and a tiny bum music or TV show?
  8. long hair apple juice or orange juice?
  9. I am all paid up and sent a bit extra to help out. And guys I encourage you to send a bit extra when you pay to help cover the costs and to make this an even better event. I am sure the organizers are contributing some of their own money and face it fellows some of us have the extra that we can give.
  10. took the day off one job to sit and rest but then am not resting am busy making some money from another of my business ventures
  11. Blindfolding someone barbecue or stove?
  12. Count me in and maybe I will bring honey again :)
  13. Having organic cheese and an organic beer while surfing before bed
  14. put the turkey in late last night at 200 degrees F and turned it down this morning to about 175F. Omg I get home tonight to the smell of turkey. It was all nicely cooked brown on top and never even basted it once and omg so tender :) lesson learned slow can be good lol :)
  15. I have not eaten yet either. Waiting on my darn turkey to cook
  16. no idea what either one is so will say Milos cause that sounds more like a girl internet or TV?
  17. grey long johns I found in my closet. I like the darn things. They look kinda stupid but sure suit me fine lol
  18. cooking a turkey so I me and my dog can have turkey all this week for supper
  19. Tonto wake up early or sleep in?
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