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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. forgive me my highlight of the day is from last night. It was such a pleasure to meet so many lovely ladies.
  2. Just bottled some samples of my honey to give as gifts at the social
  3. Charlie posts on BP now and then. for sure she would have her contact info
  4. I came in from this cold snowy night into the warm embrace of Malika Fantasy. She is even more beautiful then her pictures. She is truly a incredibly nice lady, soft and sensual, and smart as can be. I saw a link to her website one day and checked it out. Reading her site and seeing her pictures I knew she was someone I wanted to meet and to spend some time with. I am sure glad I followed through. As always I shall leave the private details private. Suffice to say yes I highly recommend her and my only regret was not spending more time. And I had made one request that she dress casual and she did. She looked just perfect and I appreciate it that she went out of her way to make our time special for me.
  5. submissive playmate for sure which do you prefer pizza or natcho's ??
  6. filling honey jars and now labeling the suckers for delivery tomorrow. I am way behind in my orders. I soon will have to hire help lol
  7. I am sure this will be very different from the last dance I went to down where I used to live. It was called the animal dance and they gave away live animals for spot dances and other contests. Last time I was there I won a bag of dog food and traded that for a pig. Then traded the pig for 5 chickens. Those dances where a lot of fun. You just never knew what you where leaving with :)
  8. asked my ex in the grocery store, She loved to eat cucumbers. So in front of some people innocently I asked her "Has that cucumber gone soft if so do you need new one" as I held up one of those long English cucumbers
  9. wild one night stand for sure which do you prefer tea or coffee ?
  10. Honey Man


    I like chip stand fries with lots of salt and vinegar
  11. If you have ever seen the movie Cinderella man its a story about a family that is very poor and the dad puts his life at risk returning to boxing to make a better life for his family. Its based on a true story. I was at the show with my two sons they where then 16 and 15 and we had a lot of difficult times. My 15 year old son turns to me after the show and says dad your our Cinderella man. Thinking of that to this day brings a tear to my eye
  12. French fries, one of those cooked chickens from farm boy, organic beets, organic sauerkraut and cottage cheese. My dog eats about the same except she does not eat the beets or sauerkraut and I just cannot force myself to try kibble. :) She had a tiny bit of her kibble, some bone broth, chicken, and cottage cheese. Her and I we mostly eat the same thing day after day. As you can see I just am not much of a cook. However I prepare the stuff my daughter likes but if prefer my same old same old :)
  13. Just about to go to my farm to wrap my bee hives for the winter. Been putting it off and putting it off but today it best get done. Cold does not bother bees but moisture does. Once they are wrapped I leave them be until late Feb early March on one of those warm sunny days that I might give them a check to see if they have enough honey stores to last them until the first flowers are in bloom in spring.
  14. In once had a job working nights as a security guard. The lady working with me preferred ladies but had an insatiable need to be pleased. She and I spent many a night enjoying each other. Being a woman that preferred woman made for the best teacher a man could have have. I also find it helps being able to breath through my ears
  15. Today I got to play secret Santa to 4 children I have never seen and will never see. Their mom who is just an acquaintance needed some help to get them their presents today because it was black Friday. I love Christmas, I believe in the spirit of Christmas
  16. sitting here drinking a beer and being thankful my daughter is home and is having fun and laughing. and thankful my truck just needed a tune up and it was nothing major
  17. please forgive me forgot to say hi :) I am a single parent of my daughter living in the Ottawa area and also own a farm and have bees, In addition to that I work full time and have a few other businesses on the side. I am a busy man usually working 7 days a week. This hobby is my ME time. My reward to me for the work I do. I have been lucky to meet a few of the lovely ladies her on cerb and made few guy friends as well. It certainly is a nice community of like minded people.
  18. Honey Man


    folks trust me this lovely lady is a Star. Her pictures as nice as they are fail to show just how beautiful she is. She is not only beautiful but friendly and omg so sexy
  19. I concur. she is a beautiful sexy lady
  20. I was 35 years old. I married my child hood sweet heart. I came home one day and she said its over. I said whats over and she said we are over. I said why and she said she did not love me anymore. She said I need to move out and she was keeping my children. That night I ventured out not sure where I was going or what I was going to do. I saw this lady hitchhiking and stopped to give her a ride. I had no idea she was working. She offered me some fun and I said yes. At that point in time I had never kissed another woman or been with another woman in my life. Considering my ex was seldom intimate with me I would say I was the closest to a virgin you would ever find. It was my way of dealing with the pain.
  21. I am for sure a grower and at 56 am so happy I have one that works lol
  22. Had a lady acquaintance who was about to lose her home today that she shares with her children. She was behind in her rent and the sheriff was coming to evict them today. I emt'ed her the money so that her and her kids have a home. I look at this as helping the kids because no kid should be homeless especially with Christmas coming. Next step will be being Honey Man Santa :)
  23. sorry I am not a fan of lingerie on a woman. I am more of a fan of the daisy duke look Short cut off top Short cut off jeans a bit sweaty and in need of some loving and a cold beer now for sure its not lingerie but if any cloths can get me wanting to take a woman to bed that would be it. You find me a woman willing to dress like that and look the part let me know and this cowboy would love to spend some time with her
  24. Honey Man

    Your such a beautiful lady
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