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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. I am wearing my holy ones :) they used to be white, now more grey
  2. Tina Athena has a fantastic rear end and so does Rosie from Gatineau
  3. The Other Woman a very funny movie and maybe a few guys on here's worse nightmare lol
  4. watching a movie with my daughter and hearing her laugh
  5. red Roses but I must admit I prefer tulips (two lips on an organ) first giving pleasure or receiving pleasure then giving?
  6. my son from my first marriage contacted me just before his wedding to tell me he was changing his name to his moms last name and that I was not invited to his wedding (he did this of course after I sent him a very large amount of cash) He then proceeded to block me from his FB and told me never to contact him again. I have another FB account and he is posting in his old account and never did change his name. Sadly he is 25 and should be able to make up his own mind but he has never been able to stand up to his mom and is money orientated. Her family has lots and he will inherit a lot of money one day. Me he thinks is some old farmer with not much. little does he know old dad has a lot more then he knows lol In my will I will leave him something just so he can find out what he missed out on. lol It breaks my heart just thinking of what he did. If I had done anything to him I would understand. I have always been a part of his life but my ex hates me even 20 years latter and has excluded me where ever she could. She is mad because I would never take her back after she cheated on me.
  7. Happy birthday to you may the lord bless you on this day and everyday
  8. Maple Leafs die hard fan but go Jays go smell of fresh cut hay or smell of fresh cut wild flowers
  9. lumber for my honey house on my farm should be done building it by end of next week
  10. hugs but am not comfortable with one until I get to know someone a bit
  11. go for it and have fun I have been with ebony. Caucasian, asian, and native and a few others. So I understand the attraction to trying something new and different. I have a bucket list and asian that loves a trip to the islands is about the only one left on my s p bucket list lol
  12. John Lennon public meetings or private meetings?
  13. acoustic guitar piano or an organ
  14. can some one please tell me what does fetish friendly mean?
  15. I like to book for an hour and be done in the half and then do the talking part. to much talking upfront and I find the event does not always go as well as expected. I guess I am turned on more by being with a stranger then being with a friend. And after the main event the talking part is very enjoyable and have made some nice friends as a result of that. And in a few cases have been glad to get out of there after the half hour :)
  16. Lunar eclipse an old flame or a new fire??
  17. I realize most likely a lady gets a lot of txt messages. Many of which are a waste of time to reply to, or in replying your using up your time for no gain. I typically plan my adventures days or even weeks in advance. I do that because of logistics and also because I love the anticipation. When I txt I take my time to compose a message that is polite and has some detail and I also make a point to say this is a private phone so please txt me back when convenient to you. However of late I have txted two ladies that never bothered to reply. That I do not understand because being in business myself future business is like money in the bank. Can anyone tell me why this is happening to me?
  18. Sundress (on a lady not on me, I do not wear dresses lol ) from the front or from behind?
  19. having my coffee with chocolate milk instead of cream and surfing a bit
  20. A new cell phone for my daughter and today I am buying her doc marten's
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