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Honey Man

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Everything posted by Honey Man

  1. big O :) I find party hat's a very necessary evil Chocolate milk or white milk??
  2. Another tractor. that makes three I own. A man can never have enough tractors. And a nice honda 4 wheel drive atv
  3. Having my second cup of coffee and getting ready to drive down to see the farm I purchased. Going to measure some things and going to talk to the ex owners about buying a few items they have. He has a nice tractor I might buy. I have 2 tractors already but a man just cannot have enough tractors lol
  4. Her: What exactly do you do? Me: I back up computer systems Her: Oh great, our guy never comes in and doesn't seem concerned about our backup at all Me: Not surprising, but don't worry, I'm anal about that stuff Her: Oh I love Anal
  5. If being with a married woman is your fantasy then let your imagination run wild in your time spent with a lady. Fantasize she is married, she is a virgin, your the best she has every had, your turning her on in ways she has never been turned on before. Whatever you do, do not let reality hamper your fantasy.
  6. no idea about either but will say Vesta lol starting a project or finishing a project at home??
  7. been quiet of late. my 16 year old daughter was almost the victim of a 27 year old internet creep from the states. When she told me about him and told me she wanted to meet him I said before you meet you have to agree to see the police and talk about this, She agreed and I took her in to talk. The police officer was a god send. He explained to her what was happening and she ended her so called relationship with the jerk. police are investigating him now and she is safe and seeing a counselor to learn why she was attracted to such a person and learn about healthy relationships. She has a lot of work ahead of her but at least she is doing it now and not latter on in life. All in all life has been stressful, best move ever was taking her into the police to talk. I am sure it saved her from something very bad happening.
  8. http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/sylvia-independent-incalls-or-outcalls-until-11pm-bells-corners-beauty/25923854 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=101606 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=199771&highlight=Sylvia+Star you can thank me latter :smile:
  9. seen a few advertise and few are also on cowboy kenny's site if you find one here that is a member that is your safest bet
  10. my dads birthday was yesterday. he would have been 81. he passed away at 76. me and my dad had a falling out and I saw him once just before he died after not seeing him for 25 years. He had Alzheimer's when I saw him and eventually figured out who I was and told me he loved me. He had forgotten how much he hated me at that one moment. Even though he hated me all those years I loved him and tried many times to reach out to him. Him and my mom wanted nothing to do with me or even my children. My mom is still alive and I have an excellent relationship with her answering machine. I can call and talk into it and tell her I love her and I guess she can just press delete.
  11. A 150 year old table complete with 6 chairs for my 175 year old farm. I think the center of a household should be the kitchen table and not the TV
  12. surfing having my organic beer and organic cheese :)
  13. Honey Man


    I knew a guy about 20 years back that was the most womanizer kinda guy you would ever meet. He had typically had 5 or 6 on the go at any one time. I asked him once do you ever slip up and call one by the wrong name and he laughed and let me in on his secret. He called every girl he met bunny. lol So we are out at a bar one night and this beautiful lovely lady comes up and says hey Kevin and he turns to her and says hi bunny and gives her a big kiss and a wack on the bum and send her on her way. Then he turns to me and smiles and says he has no clue who she is. I was witness to his ways many times over the years.
  14. a brand new amish style wrap around hand made bed from the states for my new to me farm. darn sucker costs a fortune but I am to give it one heck of a work out lol
  15. surfing having my organic beer and organic cheese
  16. packaging honey for a store. they want 6 cases and then tomorrow I have another 8 cases for another store.
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