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About rykky

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    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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  1. Will any of your beauties come visit Thunder Bay?
  2. Send me a message to discuss your tastes. The are all amazing but so different.
  3. That has so little to do with this. Highway updates are available on 511. Covid restrictions better found on the provincial websites not here from unofficial sources. Happy holidays.
  4. Wow. I thought this was a forum for discussions about SP's and the sort. Covid-19 related travel restrictions??? Really.
  5. I nominate @Sugar Kayne. Not only physically beautiful, the positive and energized personality she brings is so refreshing. Beauty, inside and out.
  6. She's real. Pictures are accurate.
  7. She is definitely worth the wait. Hopefully we will get to a point were our numbers are down and people are vaccinated and we can get back to enjoying our hobbies.
  8. my vote goes out to @SugarKane. She is definitely as sweet as candy and could use some love.
  9. @Sugar Kayne would be my choice for a valentine treat.
  10. I will always nominate Sugar Kane. Happy new year all.
  11. Merry Christmas to all. A special wish to Sugar Kane. The sweetest thing under any tree. 😉
  12. Is this the Destiny we speak of?
  13. Understood and appreciated. My apologies to those that may feel I was "mean spirited". I will try to make my opinion beneficial to the subject in the future. Lyla is so worth it if we all contribute.
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