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Tempted Monk

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About Tempted Monk

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    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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  • Profile Welcome Message
    If there are no sinners, what would be prayers for?
    Life is a chain of sins and confessions.
    I must confess one sin â?? I appreciate beauty, especially one personified in a woman.
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    Toronto, in the midle of everything
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    Still in development

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  1. It is peculiarity of escort business - at 40 she is the same 25 yo girl, just with 15 years of experience Lol Age is really subjective. I have two examples from my real experience: - I have met Asian Lady who advertised 27 being in reality 47. And nobody complained because she looked like 27. - I convinced one my escort friend to change her advertised age from 25 to 33 (close to real) and her business was improved significantly. She became much more popular. It turned out, many clients just prefer younger looking grown up woman as a companion.
  2. Amazing view! Should be continued with upper part removed as well 🙂
  3. I remember the good old days when there was no any significant thread without several RG posts :-) Nice to see you again on here!
  4. Recently, in the end of the session, still breathing heavily. She (wistfully): I wish you were 20 years younger... Me: Hmm.. I wish too.. But in that case I, probaly, wouldn't be here Lol She: Oh, no, I would replace my boyfriend with you! I know, it is "ego boosting escort compliment" but still pleasant 🙂
  5. I was in similar (maybe ??) situation in the past but I consider it differently. Of course, we all come to escort world to satisfy our dream or fantasy, something what is not present in our real life. And why should one regret if something like this happened? Over the years, I had several regular Ladies for different reasons. But with that one it was very simple - I just could not see the other Ladies. I thought about her being with the other woman and such a date did not have any sense. This made her not just regular but exclusive one. I always waited for our next date and I missed talking to her, I missed her smile, the feel of her body when I hug her, taste of her kiss, her laughing eyes, her silky hair... I have forgotten long time ago that I can feel something like this. And I will be always grateful to this woman for that wonderful year when I felt really alive again.
  6. Technology is under the hood, look and feel has nothing to do with technology used and new features. I think it would be better to keep it a little bit more consistent with previous appearance. It is now too plane and grey and difficult to read and navigate because of this. Look at this thread - the only Jessica's signature is something what looks attractive LOL And Lyla is practically dead in Toronto. I posted my last recommendation in March and it is still on the top of the list. Nobody posts in Toronto area. And I don't think new plain and gray site look will attract more new people.
  7. I am afraid this site transformation will just kill Lyla finally. It was well known, familiar, warm place and now it is not recognizable at all. People will go away and don't return....
  8. Yes, it is some sort of one way blind date: I know something about you (at least what you want me to know and how you look like) but you know practically nothing about me. And this first moment and first impression can be perfect turn on point for me as well. I wish I knew something like this in advance about the woman I am going to meet! LOL
  9. Glad to see you here again! You are one of the most valuable members of this community, I always read your posts!
  10. Time goes and I have already met Asian Nicole many times. So, there is no sense to describe one particular session with her. To express my general impression of this woman seems to be better option. If you ask who Asian Nicole is, you are or new to this hobby or new to Toronto. She defines Toronto escort landscape for years setting the benchmark for the quality of service. When you come to LCBO, you have wide selection of very good wines from different origins - France, Italy, Spain... you name it. But you always can find something excellent and unique in vintage department, the wine which is the best for particular place and year. What makes this wine exceptional and unique is a combination of many factors. It is its aroma and how it evolves with aeration, deepness of color and how it interacts with different lights, intensity of taste and how it feels after you make a sip... The same here: there are many very good providers in Downtown Toronto and there is Asian Nicole, unique and exceptional. Booking session with Nicole is pretty easy - just phone call. She doesn't use any reference system, she trusts her experience and the ability to "read" people, she needs personal conversation for this. Nicole is a real master of erotics and sexual art. She has perfect petite body, all natural, and shapely long legs any girl can be envious of. She is a good kisser if you are into it, her BBBJ is one of the best I ever experienced, Asian Cow Girl is her signature - nobody does it better. Nicole is energetic and enthusiastic partner to try any position you want to but missionary is, probably, her favorite one where she can relax and enjoy herself. And if you are able to bring her to big "O" point - it is really powerful. I need to add, she likes to watch the play in the mirrors on the walls of her bedroom :-). Session with Nicole can be different. She can follow you or can take the lead. It can be service with long list of abbreviations if you want it this way. Or it can be real sex with passionate woman who is completely into it - spontaneous and unpredictable - if you have a good "click". She can be intelligent and sophisticated or can be dirty talker if you prefer. But one thing is absolutely mandatory to have session with Nicole - she won't tolerate even a hint of disrespectful behavior. Nicole evolved over years (I can compare, I met her first time six years ago). She became more considerate, attentive, more "personal". I guess, she has a clear understanding that this business is not just about sex, it is about two people having enjoyable time together in many different ways. And her body is even better that several years ago - not thin young spinner type, but perfectly slender woman. Don't be fooled by those "civil" photos on her website - she is really hot in Victoria's Secret lingerie instead of that red dress. :-) Like perfect wine I mentioned, Nicole maybe not for everyone (and she doesn't accept everyone). But she is definitely worth to try - if you didn't try you never know... All the info and contact are here: http://asiannicole.escortbook.com/ http://www.theredzone.com/asian/nicole/
  11. With all due respect Jessica, this topic can be considered at a bit different angle as well. First of all I want to make clear that I absolutely agree with two things: - Screening system must be in place. Period. - SP chooses which system to use, it is her right, absolutely. Period. But escorting is a business first of all. And providers and clients are two sides of this business which are, actually, interested in the same thing: well working and acceptable for clients screening system. SP can have perfect screening system which is unacceptable for 90% of the clients and this system will just kill her business. The situation is much better if system works and is acceptable for 90% of clients. So, the question if screening system is required has simple answer - YES, nothing to discuss here. Which system works AND is acceptable for clients - possible topic for discussion and clients opinion is worth to consider, providers are interested in such a system. Personally, I had problems in the past after providing my personal data for verification and I will never do it again. So, the girl who requires personal data of first time clients will loose me as a client, and I am a good client, any girl I met could confirm this. Too restrictive system can affect the business and screen out good clients. And I don't see anything wrong in the discussion how to make this system better for both sides.
  12. Over years, reading reviews on the escort Ladies I have met more that ones, I made an interesting observation. There are three situations here. - Most reviews are very consistent and similar to my experience. Usually, it is very good experience but not excellent. - I see in these reviews something very interesting and positive what didn't happen to me. This is indication that I didn't really "clicked" with that girl and I didn't see her best side. - My experience is really different (in positive sense) from otherwise consistent reviews, what I have on my date is almost never mentioned in the reviews. And this is always the case with the woman who is my favorite regular provider. Probably, this personal touch, unique experience, the possibility to see the best of her, her desire to be natural and open with me makes this woman so attractive and makes me the loyal regular client.
  13. And as a hint: Mercedes 500 is voted as "the best stimulant for women" 3 years in the row! Lol
  14. There is no such thing as 40 yo woman, it is the same 25 yo girl just with 15 years of experience :-)
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