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Cara Silver

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Everything posted by Cara Silver

  1. I'm re-posting this here because I posted in the ad section and that was stupid. Love, Doofusface. Dear northerners, I seek new horizons. I want to move to Whitehorse or Yellowknife, have wanted to for years now. But the rental market scares me. There is nowhere to live, it seems. Do I have this wrong? Is it possible that the housing market is really that impenetrable? Does anyone know? thanks! xoxoxoxo Winter Lover ps I should clarify: I've searched every rental website available. It's a matter of finding something that isn't a million dollars per month. Does that exist? Why WHY must you be so unattainable, you cold and beautiful northern provinces? I yearn.
  2. As someone who recently visited Ottawa with a $300 price tag, I had no trouble meeting clients. You're ranting about visiting sps charging too much. And then you say it doesn't matter that they charge too much because they'll be disappointed anyways. So what is your point? If they overcharge, you're right, it's their problem not yours. So you must be annoyed that clients are paying more to the visiting sps than they do to you. You want us to charge less to compete with your business? If your business is so great, there's no reason to rant. If you're business isn't great, that's on you. Maybe it's not that visiting sps are over-estimating the strength of the market, maybe it's that you can't compete. Just saying.... And I don't know anything about your business or your sps. Just like you don't know anything about my business. Look at yourself first. Lots of visiting sps have no problem getting their rate and more.
  3. Here are some really great milestones from everybody's favourite nosy Auntie, Ann Landers. "According to the American Cancer Society, as soon as you snuff out that last cigarette, your body will begin a series of physiological changes. Within 20 minutes: Blood pressure, body temperature and pulse rate will drop to normal. Within eight hours: Smoker's breath disappears. Carbon monoxide level in blood drops, and oxygen level rises to normal. Within 24 hours: Chance of heart attack decreases. Within 48 hours: Nerve endings start to regroup. Ability to taste and smell improves. Within three days: Breathing is easier. Within two to three months: Circulation improves. Walking becomes easier. Lung capacity increases up to 30 percent. Within one to nine months: Sinus congestion and shortness of breath decrease. Cilia that sweep debris from your lungs grow back. Energy increases. Within one year: Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes. Within two years: Heart attack risk drops to near normal. Within five years: Lung cancer death rate for an average former pack-a-day smoker decreases by almost half. Stroke risk is reduced. Risk of mouth, throat and esophageal cancer is half that of a smoker. Within 10 years: Lung cancer death rate is similar to that of a person who does not smoke. The pre-cancerous cells are replaced. Within 15 years: Risk of coronary heart disease is the same as a person who has never smoked." So there Emma: All it takes is 20 minutes for your body to be on the road to recovery!! 20 minutes for your body to start healing from inhaling toxic, burning poison. Stop burning your lungs! You can do it!
  4. whoa, whoa, whoa. All I said was, 'please please please quit smoking for the good of your children and your lungs and the world and the future of our society, and also because cigarettes are gross, hideous, unhealthy, unattractive, and environmentally unfriendly, and also because you'll look, feel, appear, smell, live better, and also because you're too cool, especially for menthol cigarettes, and because you're wasting your money, sexiness, and golden years.' That's ALL I remember saying. And I said it with love :) And incredulity at the sheer ridiculousness of maintaining such a vile habit. But mostly love :rolleyes:
  5. Bachelor parties scare me :) Bachelor parties might not be a good place for a lone sp. Might be why you're not getting any responses. xoxo Amelia
  6. Awww Jim, don't worry about the age gap at all unless you feel uncomfortable. But from an SP's perspective, guys like you have lived enough life to know how to treat a lady and I love that. For us, it's not about what you look like and how old you are, it's how you treat us. I enjoy older gentlemen for the very reason that they aren't seeing me for wham, bam, thank you maam. So if you're ever with an sp and wondering if it's wrong/odd, I can assure you that all she's thinking about is how kind and respectful you are. No matter her age, young or forever young :), she'll be thinking how nice it is to be with a gentleman. xoxo Amelia
  7. Wow, these all look great! I will definitely be checking out a museum or two, definitely the war museum. I'm also looking forward to excellent food. Is there good sushi over there? xoxo Amelia
  8. These are all great answers. Thank you for taking the time to help me better understand this particular aspect of communication. And for showing me that I was thinking about it all wrong. :oops: xoxo Amelia
  9. I'm really not trying to be mean or weird. I just want to understand.:oops:
  10. That's not what I'm saying at all. There is no 'litmus test' or 'extreme' aspect to wondering if a guy truly wants to see me. I'm asking why guys do this when I'm pretty sure the first thing they do is check out the website/view my profile/read my reviews/see my photos. I can understand why someone would ask if those things weren't readily available. But it's confusing, with all the great tools available on cerb, why someone would want to see you without knowing anything about you, or why someone would pretend to know nothing about you when they probably know alot about you. This happens relatively often.
  11. Thanks for your insights, SnS. I never thought of it as a nervous opener before. But then why not say, 'i'm interested in seeing you and I've looked at your website. How are you today?' Looking at the website is a great way of getting to know the lady, especially for shy guys. How do you know you're interested in a girl if you don't know what she offers? xoxo
  12. Good morning... I'm just wondering about the psychological process of this: I get pms asking me what I offer/look like/charge. I'm pretty sure the first thing you guys do when you're interested in a lady is check out her photos and website, where everything is clearly listed. That's the great thing about cerb-- all the info and links you need in one place. But I get these emails all the time. I'm just wondering, why? Why pretend ignorance when you already know what I offer? It kind of makes me feel like the sender really isn't interested in seeing me at all and sometimes I just don't write back. Just trying to figure this whole thing out :) xoxo Amelia
  13. Good morning, Ottawinners! Emma and I are looking for cool stuff to do in Ottawa. We want to meet you guys but also we want to be dorky tourists with fanny packs and socks half way up our calves (with sandals). So what is there to do in Ottawa? And because I'm crazy about history, are there historical sites/museums around anywhere? Many thanks for your guidebook help! xoxo Amelia
  14. Why why why does this album make the list lol??? It's a horrible album. My other albums are better!
  15. I'm in Ottawa next week!! Sept 15th to 17th. xoxo Glad everyone is 'enjoying' the new photos.
  16. It's up! It's up! The photos remind me of my favourite website, awkwardfamilyphotos.com xoxo
  17. Okay, so far we have: Islanders Northumberlanders Winnipeggers Saint-Johners Monctonians Frederictonians Brandonites Ottawans Haligonians I still think Haligonians is the craziest. What about some other names? xoxo
  18. Alright, people, they're in moderation right now. Prepare for cringeworthy moments and I'll prepare for deep embarrassment. xoxo Walk of Shame
  19. Sounds like everybody found their niche eventually. Gives me hope that one day I'll be able to give up bohemian floating and settle into bohemian career happiness. Presumably everyone acquires respectability and a closet of clothes not from Walmart eventually. One thing I've always wanted to do is be a phone sex operator but apparently you don't have to wear anything for that. Cha-ching. xoxo Amelia
  20. Some of you may have noticed that I have trouble remembering what people from different cities are called. That's because some municipal names are completely bonkers. Such as: Haligonians. Here is my current list for people from cities: Ottawarians NewBrunswickites Edmontonweloveoilers Calgarianovas MontrealPoutineLand DartmouthScaryPeople Are these correct? And on a more serious note, what do you actually call yourselves?
  21. This is my 400th post. When I was a kid I never thought I'd have 400 things to say on an escort recommendation board.:shock: Or if I did, I hoped they would be worth saying lol.
  22. Another thing I wanted to be as a little girl was a ballerina. Unfortunately I have all the grace of a beached whale. Also, those pointe shoes do horrible things to your feet. But I sooooo love pink!
  23. Emily I think you'd make a very convincing politician, what with that hot body of yours! Additional Comments: What's the cave real estate market like? I'd like to build a cave real estate empire- 'yes, it's a lovely open space an extra bedroom for the kids, and while it does tend to get dark at times there are many torch-holders throughout' I'd miss sushi, though.
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