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Verified Independent
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Everything posted by xxxAxxx

  1. do a search - this agency has been reviewed.
  2. heeeheeee thanks hon! ps - the 10th visit is also half price, not just the first "5th", but EVERY 5th visit is 50% off!! (i started that to reward REGULAR clients, as im not very interested in seeing "one-timers"...)
  3. well i tried to look into it for you, unfortunately the girl i had in mind is no longer an SP and i was unable to track her down. Best of luck in your search.
  4. i agree 100%, the same goes for incall servcies, 100% illegal (like an agency) but LE won't get involved unless there is a reason, GENERALLY SPEAKING....But SPs and clients alike should know what they are getting into....and agecnies too (3rd party)
  5. Under the Canadian Criminal Code: (1) The act of prostitution is legal, i.e. you CANNOT be arrested for being a prostitute (2) The practice of independent outcall prostitution is fully protected by Federal law. Third party involvement in solicitation of business or profiting from it is a crime But enforcement varies widely since the attitude is to support individual rights as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. (3) Advertising in public print is protected as a right of free speech which has been upheld by the Canadian Supreme Court. Advertising on television has not yet been tested but the issue is whether its in line with community standards. (4) An independent outcall escort has the right to discuss specific acts of sex for money in private. Hotel rooms, telephones and private homes. The Canadian Supreme court has ruled that a land based telephone is a private communication. When one places a phone call, they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and that is the test. The same is easily extended to cellular phone communication. One would have to have special equipment to intercept such communication. ________________________________________________________________________ the above was quoted from : http://www.sexwork.com/montreal/law.html i just wanted to point out to jessica, that making a profit from an escort , (if you are not the escort) is illegal. Wether you tell them what to do or not... ( see italics in (2) )
  6. I might know someone....but first need to clarify if you plan on giving or recieiving? And of course is price an issue? (and no guys, it's not me)
  7. I don't do strip clubs, if i wanna see tits i'll jst go look in the mirror. LOL If guys were gettin naked i'd be all over it! hahhahaha....sexcercise...my favorite kind !
  8. DREAMER! ur in your 30s!?!?!? wow. i would've never given u past 25-26....u have a very youthful look about u. must be all the sex you're having with these young girls! LOL ;-)
  9. this stuff happens a lot more than u think in the capital. pm me for details.
  10. in regards to "chloe" ... on another board it's been suggested thats she is not really an indy
  11. not everyone charges more for GFE....just most.
  12. Every SP has a different answer for this question. I suggest u do your homework on your SP of choice before assuming anything. A lot of girls offer "extras" and then again, many don't. There is a certain "norm" as dreamer suggested, but there is no guideline or rule book for pricing. Froget about the extras, and still u get variations cuz not everyone charges 200 an hour...u can find some as low as 160 and some as high as 300-400. Good Luck.
  13. i have had so may encounters with more than one guy I cannot even keep track anymore...dates back from my high school days... anyways, my point is this... i have never witnessed any male-on-male contact. So the odds are with u here. ;)
  14. What about copying that Bailey's commercial and makin a nice lil latte out of some liqueur? heheheheh....mmm frothy buzz....
  15. some people like it, some people don't. I can't stand the idea of havin another naked woman near me so i completely understand. But there are men out there who enjoy "tag teams". I know cuz i have an entire mailing list of them *wink* LOL
  16. www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=6446 is that better? ;) (pictures are from spring/summer - won't be upated until January)
  17. In a few weeks I will be back on E-C....Will that make everyone happy? heehee, but my face will be hidden....patience is a virtue LOL
  18. i see it as "selctive viewing", since i do post photos of my face, i have some control over who can and cannot see. to each their own.
  19. I agree, it was a positve review and no harm was done. the reason for the "inaccurate" photos is that that site mentioned above is over a year old. there's tons more recent pictures found here: http://sensualandsexy.spaces.live.com
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