I am back very part time and casual... traded the shower scene for an infrared sauna and some pretty amazing hot stones... email me at saunastonetherapy@gmail.com to come visit me at my fabulous new condo over looking the river in Orleans.... ox
Hey cerbie friends... I am back... Sophie Lauren... have a lovely private totally upscale studio in Orleans... can't wait to get back into the swing of things. I am now certified in hot stone massage... give it a try! I have a super "hot" private in suite infrared sauna thatyou HAVE to check out...
I plan to be working all weekend 11 am - 6 pm. I am also working every Monday from 10 am -6 pm... evening appointment can be arranged upon special request... ask and you shall receive...
email me at saunastonetherapy@gmail.com for full details and information...
Look forward to showing you my new studio