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Rachelle Reigns

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Everything posted by Rachelle Reigns

  1. Wow..head out west for a while and miss all kinds of great threads! My personal faves are........ Jesse Jane Flower tucci I like girl on girl porn any kind will do!:twisted:
  2. Names that I like or have considered....... Taylor Love ( I wanted this name but some one has got it now) Asia Trinity- I danced as Trinity for many years but I found that I got sick of it after a while...... RACHELLE, When I was just 18 and about to start my first shift as a dancer I was given a list of names to choose from, but the DJ said "hey you look like a Rachelle"....considering I was up next I went with it........for a while then went as trinity till I stopped dancing reason being I had begun escorting in 02 as Rachelle and did not want the two business to meet.....7 years later (wow has it been that long), here I am the only Rachelle..I think..if not the only then the first.... quick lesson..LOL! My name is not Rachel or Raquel...LOL It's rare for a new client to get it right....it's... RA-SHELLL........ LMAO..:-D
  3. Happy Birthday Emma! Enjoy your present sounds purrrfect!
  4. My neck My back........ My Neck My back lick my pussy and my crack.....:boobies:
  5. Hey Hun..I know you are asking for the guys opinions here but to me this may just be desperation..trying to get started..or get a review. Or your gut may be 100% correct..it does sound kinda funny..lowering your price...especially when it is already sooo low. Maybe it's best to stick with reviewed known girls....I have learned in this biz that my gut reaction about every client is normally spot on..so now I follow my feelings....
  6. You are all too kind! more to come as well as shots without the masks are available.....another shoot in a month or two as well!
  7. Minto is VERY nice but really not practicle. You can rent a whole apartment in an SP friendly environment, complete with buzzer system and no front desk. Amber PM me for details. There are many options in downtown Ottawa...Rachelle♥
  8. Very Well said..LOL....My resolution is to first have my photoshoot in Montreal next week turn out as amazing as I hope......After that...maybe try and work out...other then pole dancing of course..LOL...umm Find an amazing Duo partner and travel companion....(this I may have already done..stay tuned).....Save money...blah, blah , blah..and have an orgasm each and everyday...hopefully every hour :lol: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  9. I would have loved to have had a "boxing day" special but with my son and traveliing to see different family members my christmas is not done until the 28th..I celebrate with different family each day...makes for a long but joyous holiday! Back to the question..I offered my prechristmas specials instead of offering them now since I know that during and after X mas myself and many hobbyiests are with family....So in a way alot of girls including myself did offer "boxing day blowouts", just before rather then after! Merry X mas to all!
  10. Agencies..Indie..whatever a girl is comfortable with...I do however believe that agencies should not use CL and/or free boards to advert when they are clearly being paid for advertising.....Now I'm not saying this about anyone or agency..just a thought.....
  11. I too prefer snipped but either is fine as long as it is well maintained! R♥
  12. Ya Emma I feel your pain..I have had some HUGE fights on the Pacific boards because they say I'm too confident and that Ontario reviews mean nothing outside of Ontario..All the other boards are either boring or just not worth the Bull..CERB is the place to be..hence the free session offer..I so far have only offered it to CERB members..others are just not as good to me...
  13. I know I totally respect someone that has to cancel and let's me know or reshedules..that is not the problem..I had three to five cancellations this week no more then usual, but the problem is NO SHOWS!! Obviously any girl that is smart knows that you can never count on make any amount of money before a tour, which means if you can not afford to cover flights, hotels, and other expenses BEFORE the tour then touring is a huge risk. I could not imagine having to hope and pray that I could cover my costs...what happens if you cannot? Thats probably why usually only large agencies or very estabished SP's tour seriously and regularly..they can afford the risk! I cannot comment on Alleys week either, however I can comment on my own, and as someone who has toured to almost every major city in Canada...this week and Ottawa of late is falling back into the old habits of tons of no shows, like I said I was VERY FORTUNATE that for almost every no show I was able to book another session to make up for it. What happens when it's not me someone who knows Ottawa and is able to cover these things..they have wasted there time and hard earned money...Then it will end up just like it used to be, that Ottawa was known for no show and no one toured here. I hope that these guys will stop this nonsense...For everyones sake, pooners and SP's. I find it to be even worse when it's a board member that no show..as SP's we count on board members being dependable. I cannot imagine what someone could gain from making an appointment that they have no plan on keeping!
  14. I've had 6-8 no shows this week..but I managed to fill almost all the spots and Tues, Wed and Fri were almost booked solid (after booking more during the day)...This is getting to be pathetic..thankfully I was lucky and still had a successful tour! I hope that Alley had a successful tour even with the no shows...I hope she was able to make up for it in the end!
  15. I'll be bringing my sexy santa suit with me to Ottawa next week.....oh and I'll be releasing some more santa suit pics this weekend.......
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