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Everything posted by johnybird

  1. As far as acting goes: Meryl Streep Helen Mirren Sophia Lauren (It's the accent) Juliane Moore Eva Green Jennifer Lawrence
  2. :( You wonderful ladies have nothing to be self conscious about. It's just men being boys. Truth is you can have any one of us begging at your feet while having us babbling incoherently. You are all beautiful <3 .
  3. Thanks for making me feel better ladies. I'm much better now :) Here's my contribution to this thread. Every time I see him he makes me want to start 'Channing my Tatum' :)
  4. Congratulations Daniel Boone! Only been here a few short weeks but have enjoyed reading you! :)
  5. Watching Al Pacino's brilliance, even though it's in the Godfather III :)
  6. Meryl Streep & Helen Mirren! Oh the oscar winning performance I would experience :) .
  7. this thread is making me feel inadequate :( lol! .
  8. Strangers that walk so closely behind you that when you stop they bump into you! This happened to me twice this morning! one almost got knocked over lol! .
  9. Popsicles! you can do more interesting things with popsicles. Sweet or Salty
  10. To eat, Large seedless watermelons. I really don't care what the size is for the other ones 1940's or 1980's
  11. I find tattoos so beautiful on a lady, it's a form of expression and I'm always interested in hearing the meaning behind the tattoos they have. It's such an engaging form of art. .
  12. Liquid soap Grover or Cookie Monster? .
  13. Marylin Monroe (when she was alive) :) & Scarlett Johanssen
  14. Waiting for client approvals... Why always down to the wire? *sigh* I feel like my Avatar right about now. .
  15. - People chewing with their mouths open - Men with long fingernails. Love it on women though :) and what irritates me to no end is when people are late .
  16. Had a great dinner with a great friend for the 2nd week in a row :)
  17. As an SP, what goes through your mind when meeting a client for the first time?
  18. Debauchery... I like Debauchery... I would definitely give my full name for some Debauchery...:grin:
  19. Meat of course! Fish or Shelfish?
  20. Listening to Songza, Acoustic versions of pop songs Don't stop Believing - Boyce Avenue :)
  21. Scheming a way to be able to play hooky again today
  22. Starting in the front and ending up in the back :) Pub or fine dining?
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