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Everything posted by johnybird

  1. I read too many things I didn't like regarding Victozza, that I wasn't comfortable taking it. I've been taking Invokana for a year without any issues, everyone is different though and will react differently.
  2. I'm ok with with just reading "In my 20's. 30's, 40's, 50's". The age doesn't really influence my decision. I agree with roaminguy, not all men are looking for women in their 20's. I've seen ladies in all the different age ranges as well and it all has been great :)
  3. You don't need to go on a diet Notch, you just have to be careful about what you eat. Having a steak or a big bowl of pasta once in a while is great! or just eat less of it. I should have been down 20 more pounds by now, but I would rather lose weight slowly and be happy, then be miserable being strict on what I ate. Even if you don't lose weight you will be healthier, add something as simple as a 30 minute walk a day and you are even better. I'm much healthier now, get less tired, have more stamina now ;) then I did when I was much lighter and unhealthier in my younger days.
  4. I was diagnosed with early onset Diabetes 5 years ago, My Dr. wanted to put me on some of the newer drugs like you mentioned, Victozza being one of the scarier ones. I did my research and wasn't comfortable taking it, plus I thought an injection was a bit extreme for the glucose numbers I had. She recommended Vitcozza as well because one of the side effects is that it suppresses your appetite (Yes i'm overweight). If you're not comfortable with the drug, don't take it, there is always an alternative. I just told my Dr. I was getting bad side effects and she suggested something else. Her recommending the Victozza was kind of a wake up call because I shouldn't have to inject a drug into my stomach to suppress my appetite to lose weight, kind of brought me to a low point when I thought about it. Some people's bodies are prone to diabetes so there is no way to get rid of it and you will always be on pills. Luckily that's not the case with me. Diet and exercise recommendations? Just do it! There is no secret, find an exercise that works for you and do it and just watch what you eat. It's pretty simple, more Calories out than in. It's not easy and will take a while but don't get discouraged and keep at it. Hardest part of going to the gym is actually getting your ass there, right? lol! I found a form of exercise that I actually enjoy (hate treadmills or stationary bikes) and have been doing it consistently 3 times a week since October, I saw my doctor and my numbers were all great (I was 40lbs lighter this visit) she said we'll see where i'm at in 5 months and if i continue this path she will take me off some of the pills :) Find something that works for you, there is always time to workout in some shape or form, even if its for 30 minutes and do it consistently 3-4 times a week. Most importantly watch what you eat, it's 80% of the battle Good Luck :)
  5. Getting in touch with my inner Diva with Jill Scott :)
  6. Onesies! I never make requests on clothing, but I had seen her a few days before when dropping something off in a Onesie. I asked her if she could wear them when I saw her next time, it had a skull pattern all over them... I found it cute & kinda sexy :)
  7. Oh my, Eyes for sure :) School Girl Outfit or Superhero Costume?
  8. Procrastinating... Trying to talk myself into go downstairs and put the clothes in the Dryer and start a New load in the washer...
  9. There is no middle ground. Some SP's won't require any information and some will and the ones that will, will give you a few different options. They are taking the biggest risk with meeting a stranger, so if you want to see that specific lady then you have to give her whatever information she requires that would make her feel the most comfortable. In my Opinion, the more comfortable they feel, the better your experience will be. If you're not comfortable divulging anything, then you just have to find a lady that doesn't require any information.
  10. I've had 2 overnights so far. One with someone that I met for the first time, but happened to communicate via e-mail for a few months. this isn't the norm for me it just happened that after an initial PM the communication just continued. And the second one was someone that I see frequently and the overnight wasn't planned, it just happened. Even though I had a great time with the lady I had never met before and things went very well, it was like 2 pen pals who finally got together :) I definitely preferred the overnight with one of my regulars... I mean the lady I see frequently. I felt a lot more at ease and everything was more natural because we just knew each other so well. Even though I also knew the other SP very well through e-mail communications, it's not the same as when you've actually gotten to know the person, in person for the same amount of time.
  11. trying NOT to eat more homemade cookies that were brought to the office
  12. Happy Birthday Cato! Enjoy your B-day!
  13. Had my puppy fixed and still feel guilty about it, even though he's jumping around like nothing happened
  14. If a woman is willing to get intimate with me, without even knowing me, I think the very least I could do is give her my Lyla Handle :)
  15. Love and War - Anthony Hamilton (feat. Macy Gray) It's getting me into a nice Groove
  16. 2 mini Cast Iron pots, for a special dinner i'm making in a couple of weeks ;)
  17. Once Again "Daughters of Soul" on Songza.... I mean Google Play Music now :)
  18. Happy Birthday Maraena! Hope someone is spoiling you today :)
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