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Everything posted by johnybird

  1. Answer to that question or any question with the word "Bacon" in it is... ALWAYS BACON lol! Shaving Cream with a brush where you froth it yourself or sprayed out of a Can?
  2. I've got to figure out a way to adopt this girl lol! Love the Sass! :)
  3. Umbrella Making love during a Blizzard or a Thunderstorm?
  4. Sitting in the same room & breathing the same air as Al Pacino, as he discusses his career, takes question and at the end of the nigh recites... or rather preforms, a poem by Oscar Wilde. Not that I understood the poem, but he could read the phone book and I could care less! HOOOOWAAA!
  5. A 48L stock pot! for my very first Lobster/Crab/Shrimp Boil... Hope I don't mess it up or there are going to be a lot of disappointed people this afternoon :|
  6. Pencil. Can do more creative things with a pencil :) rice or potatoes?
  7. Getting Antsy because it's so nice outside...time to sneak out :)
  8. So HAPPY for you!!!! Congratulations!
  9. Summer Heat with AC :P Ricotta or Custard filled Canolli's
  10. Damn she looks good! http://photos.vanityfair.com/2015/06/01/556c7a224ae56e586e457d3e_vf-cover-bruce-jenner-july-2015.jpg
  11. Had an expected nice evening turn into an exceptionally special one. Sometimes you ladies really amaze me. :)
  12. Swimming under the sun & moon, both at the same time, after a long hot day! :)
  13. I got "Porn Star" LOL! I even took the test again because there were a few questions that had 2 choices that I had a hard time choosing from, and STILL got "Porn Star" I agree with Ice4Fun, I'm not sure of the validity of this test lol!
  14. Automatic! Who has time to fiddle with peddles and sticks, hard enough to text while driving (just kidding lol!) Orange Juice, with or without pulp?
  15. HEY! LOL! This is when there's no other parking is available :) I don't mind parking further away and walking, especially if the weather is nice. (I know you said it wasn't directed at me) I am also very aware of my surroundings and I will always leave enough room for someone to go around me, and if there isn't that much room I will move my car and let them pass :) I'm a courteous fellow didn't you know? LOL!
  16. Strawberry Jam Red or White (wine)
  17. Prepping dinner for a bunch of out of town guests. Finally back in the kitchen :)
  18. No sunscreen Action or Drama
  19. Watching David Letterman's last ever Top 10 List
  20. When i'm waiting for a parking spot and the person is in the car taking their sweet time to get out! I give them enough room to back out ;)
  21. As I was trying to cut in line in traffic closer to the exit (it was a dotted line so perfectly legal) the guy next to me wouldn't let me in, so as he was proceeding to swear and yell at me, as he was inching forward he hit the car in front of him because he was looking at my sweet face rather than the car in front of him :) Love Karma. So much easier to be courteous and happy... Oh and it's a long weekend! WOOHOO! :)
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