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About CoolCucumber

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    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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  1. The inside joke is for someone else. Joker's GF maybe?
  2. I've seen her many times too. She is great and even improved a little role play. Should she be expecting an email from HQ too? I guess so :-) (Sorry, inside joke).
  3. Yes, i saw her about a year ago. I don't remember all of the specifics but if you like slim girls then you will like her. The service was to my liking.
  4. Miss Kathryn also has a fair complexion.
  5. I see Miss K almost weekly and see always treats me right. I recommend her.
  6. Any info? http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/hot-sexy-east-indian-beauty-doing-outcalls-in-kanata-nepean-��/34743718
  7. Yes. It's because of those amazing legs and derriere that an hour with you passes too quickly.
  8. I give great massages. I'll give free demonstrations at your convenience.
  9. About time you came back. I'm booking you for the whole week next time...
  10. Just saw Eva for first time in over 2 years. That girl is an amazing kisser and is extremely sexy. Wish I hadn't stayed away for so long. She looks awesome too. Hope she returns soon.
  11. Yes, I used to enjoy kissing her beautiful ass and the frottage was always great. Best reverse ������� in a chair as well...
  12. I met Serena today. I had been looking at her pictures for awhile but I was in this exclusive (or so I thought) arrangement that thankfully ended a few months ago and today I was free and she was on schedule. She is by far the prettiest girl I have met in a long time. Amazing massage and very pleasing to look at as she rubbed my body to the point of relaxation. I will repeat for sure.
  13. Yes. Maybe at a different rate than the main event, but this is between he and the girl in question.
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