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About alphalink

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    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate
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    Ottawa area
  • Biography
    I like horse racing, but I love pretty girls and women. Teasing followed by pleasing works for me.

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  1. I hope I never have to endure another such post on this site again. You do what you want, and if you want to recycle your own exhaust because of a psy-op (what this is, and that's a fact), go for it. Masks are a joke - end of. Never mind it's hard to eat with a mask on. I mean the damn buffet.
  2. Morbid curiosity is getting the better of me. I won't be able to make it out for a few days, but... what is it like? I'm envisioning totally surreal, with masked staff etc. Of course I won't even go if those things are mandatory for dancers and patrons, but I hope things haven't gone that far south. This town is screaming for someone to open a private club, with a modest initial membership fee, and fully private "cubbyholes". Sort of like an old-time booze can, $5 beer, maybe $8 - whatever. How it used to be in BC with poker joints that called themselves "social clubs" (which they were) - paid membership, what went on inside was their business.
  3. Really, they could cut it by about 90% before it would even be noticed. That's at the 'Mate, maybe 50% at Pigale, but I despise that hole. As far as the rooms go, no idea what will happen there. I don't relish getting a dance in a hazmat suit. Though there have been times when I wish I had worn one.
  4. I got there around 10:30 and it was fairly lively (relative to how it can be). I played pool all night and didn't have any dances, but there were some very pretty black girls (Sasha being one that I chatted with), and one girl I haven't seen before. Very slender, 20 something, long dark hair, pretty face. Maybe French-Canadian. I didn't even catch her name, but she looks like fun. Similar physique to night-time Ashley, who of course was also there. Had a blast shooting pool, walked out with wallet intact. Was hoping to see Kate actually, whom I've never had a dance with, but who I did have a nice drink with previously. Has anyone had the pleasure of her company in the cubbyhole?
  5. Was Daniella one of them? She was responsible for some mind-blowing times at Club 61 a few years ago. I was so blown away when leaving I stopped at a stop sign, lost in reverie, until a honking line of cars made me aware it wasn't a damned red light! Well worth it...
  6. At least the cars gave decent mileage!
  7. Just had a session with the absolutely delightful Whitney and agree with your summary - what a blast! Oddly enough, we had a disagreement over the count, but it was a funny one. She said it was at 6 songs, but I insisted it was 7 (I'm sure I was right). Would they all be like that! Very pretty, very pleasant, and most accommodating to the primitive urges of a swine such as I. A real incentive to gamble better and make more disposable income. Can only say it was a treat for all the senses, a credit to the profession. Now I'm afraid to miss a damned night in case she's there... Awful!
  8. Intrigued by your post, I went for a visit tonight and may have found the gal. Roughly 5'2", mid 20s, curly/wavy dark brown locks. Poor thing forgot her knickers before coming on stage, and I like the absent-minded ones... I asked, and she does indeed have a blue/green negligee, but not tonight. Had 4 dances, and though there was no high-mileage activity, the view was spectacular, especially from behind! Name is Shakira, Wednesday through Sunday, only at Pigalle. I prefer the Playmate as it has a pool table that gets action, and is much more liberal in the cubbyholes, which is my preference, but this was very nice eye-candy. Was very busy tonight, but other than Shakira (who was very busy indeed) I wasn't too impressed with the rest of the shows. Actually quite miss the old days in BC where it was only stage shows, but they could be absolutely wild, anything goes! Will visit the Mate tomorrow to immerse myself in a nice sordid atmosphere. My cup of tea. ps - she was also very good at math, no trying to boost the count. Very professional, very good at her job. I find many girls at Big Al's quite mercenary, have to be on your toes.
  9. Another Sunday evening visit to the Playmate, and had the extreme pleasure of making the acquaintance of the beautiful Ashleigh (Ashley?)... 20s, slender/spinner figure, lovely face, and a heart-stopping visit to the cubicles. A treat for all the senses, and also honest to a fault with the count. I reciprocated her generosity, and look forward to the next encounter with bated breath. I don't think it's just my taste - this girl is stunningly beautiful, and made me regret all the dough I'd pumped off at the track tonight. Real incentive for swinging for a home run! The charming Ruby was gracing the premises, a lovely black girl from Montreal whose name my grape-sized brain could not retain, but very pleasant and attractive, and the ever-kind Carl opened the pool table up. All in all, an extremely gratifying visit in all respects. This place is solid gold in my book, and I will sample the daytime delights this week, God willing. Evening too, as that's when Ashleigh will be receiving communion! Additional Comments: Sounds like the Ashley I met this evening. She aims to please, and is IMO drop-dead gorgeous. I'd guess mid-twenties, but who knows, long dark brown hair, a Roman nose to complement my Russian fingers, mouthwatering backside - the full package. Was thinking of a visit (first time) to a MA or SP, but did not regret vacillating in the least. My preference is for a pedal-to-the-metal tease, little use for the imagination, and this beauty fit the bill!
  10. As always, a tour de force of reviewing, most helpful! Almost like a Lonely Planet guide to exotic locales... I love beauty, but in the CR I vote for the Liberals rather than the Conservatives!
  11. First-class review H&K! Whets my appetite for a visit - have not been since a teenager in the late 70's, and it was fun then even though only stage shows. Natalia sounds like my cup of tea, being quite fond of lascivious displays of "exoticness"... Now if only the horses would cooperate and fund my descent into debauchery!
  12. Have never gone three, second at worst usually. Three strikes, and one's out in my book. As i'm getting my feet wet again after quite a hiatus, I'm hoping that once a degree of familiarity with each other is established, the preamble to the main event will be dispensed with, but it's all good. Haven't seen a SP (in many a year), or a MA (ever), but I do see the need for value for money, and $60 to admire an undergarment seems a bit much. Do MAs cater to the visual and voyeuristic leanings of patrons, or is it more of a workmanlike body-slide and whatever else sort of thing? I personally enjoy being tantalized initially.
  13. Again, a very nice visit to the Mate (Sunday evening). Quiet, but the charming Brandy and Ruby were gracing the joint, so off to Lapland. I will reiterate earlier kudos for these lovely gals- honest to a fault (I suggested I'd had three initial dances with Brandy, but she corrected me, only two), both simply a credit to the profession and our species. Was not fixated on mileage, more interested in a semblance of affection and human contact (No - I'm not married!), and was not disappointed. After a horrifying evening of gambling, this was a bet that came in. Shot a game with Brandy, and true to form when trying to impress a pretty girl with my pool skills, did my best Helen Keller impression!
  14. I lived in B.C. for some time, where stage shows were the only thing, no CRs at all. The shows were great, and if they were especially good there was a full parking lot and standing room only. Obviously, the no-knickers policy was in effect often from the first song onwards. The bars did very well flogging their awful draught beer, the girls made very good money, and it was generally good for all involved. I'm not sure that I have a preference for either form of dancing, each having its own merits, but I will say that men are generally there to see the wonders of nature, and have little desire to use the imagination. I do miss that aspect, being fond of an utterly shameless display of whatever charms, however, just the opinion of an old goat pining away for the green grass of better days...
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