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About pine

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  1. I stopped at Sunhope Main the other day to see if Beira was available but was told she no longer works there. If anyone knows where she might be, still working or not, please PM me. Thanks
  2. I have a long drive into Winnipeg, can you Pm me on LiNa or Biera at Main Street, looking to try new place for me
  3. I agree with tylerlowenwpg, 855 has some really good ladies but for my money and my regular visits Susan is always my pick over the others, always happy and satisfied.
  4. Can you please Pm me Mattyice, thanks, I’d like to try Megan at 312, working close by, thanks
  5. The building has been sold and I believe Sakura is done along with Betty.
  6. My regular left, that’s who
  7. Has anyone had a massage with Deb over at 1965 Main? My regular has left there and apparently they are still open? A PM would be appreciated. Thx
  8. Betty has moved to Calgary, we will all miss her.
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