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About gariczarc

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  1. With bitcoin you can purchase credits with a 10% discount which would completely offset even the extremely highest cost of acquiring them. Completely capable to be performed entirely from a smart phone with the same amount of ease as online banking.
  2. I would be glad to help any SP learn more about Bitcoin and how to go about using it and Litecoin, or Dogecoin as well. I know it's a complicated matter but I believe it has some benefits for both SP and Johns alike. I feel like it is safer for a woman to have all transactions occur as bitcoin, rather than walk around with cash and possibly be mugged. If you do provide a way to accept debit or credit cards you aren't making the full amount after service charges are taken into account, with bitcoin the fee is minimal typically .1% compared to 2-5% on most credit cards. Bitcoin is currently a currency that is 95% male dominated, women are needed for the currency if it is ever going to continue to grow. The average bitcoin user would be an ideal costumer for SP, young to middle age intelligent males, typically of a computer or financial background. It is semi-anonymous form of payment, costumers won't have wifes asking what the charge is on the credit card statement was for or the withdraw. You can just invest into bitcoin and she will be none the wiser. SP's could also prove their not a Sting by sending a micro payment (fraction of a penny) to a prospective client before arranging a meet. Bitcoin can be complicated to learn but I think with the recent changes with Canada switching to the Swiss model with bill C-36 now is the time for Bitcoin to merge with the grey market.
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