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Everything posted by spencer00

  1. Mya has been here before, however I have not seen her.
  2. I would say the pictures are accurate.
  3. I had a great visit with Hanna yesterday. Very real, very legit, and I'd recommend. It was my first time using VIPOTG, and I would not hesitate to see her again.
  4. http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/bedford-r%E2%83%A3e%E2%83%A3a%E2%83%A3d%E2%83%A3y%E2%83%A3-2-p%E2%83%A3l%E2%83%A3a%E2%83%A3y%E2%83%A3-petite-and-tight-sexy-ebony-34ddd-g-eek-100-real-vide/2564975 Seems she has moved around from Halifax, Dartmouth and now in Bedford. I have found various reviews from out west, always nice to hear from the regulars here as well!
  5. I have not personally seen her, but there are many solid reviews on many known forums across the country.
  6. And where do we find such hidden jems on the interweb?
  7. Was there a different rate for the SP with the personal number over using the agency?
  8. Seems legit....advertised by BLE in the schedule section.
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20170515141518/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/let-me-make-your-night/2872468 I assume this is the girl?
  10. Number comes back to an escort company in Quebec. I can't find anything on her, good or bad. Please TOFT and let us know!!
  11. Link archived for future reference... https://web.archive.org/web/20170421011259/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/specials-c-u-m-and-play-w-me-sexiest-brown-bunny-902-219-0314/2714439
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20170418135055/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/miaa-your-one-of-kind-princess-text-and-book-an-appointment/2572611 Is this Miaa?
  13. LEO is Law Enforecment Officer, or so I assume.
  14. Link for reference. https://web.archive.org/web/20170328131226/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/busty-alexa-and-sexy-shannon/2764620 I assume this is who you are talking about?
  15. Looks like she is back in town... http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/brand-new-im-back-leila-come-see-my-new-picture-taste-me/2392441
  16. I met with Jayde at hotel in Halifax. Heat wasn't working, so it was pretty chilly in her room, but just made us work a little harder at keeping warm. If you follow Jayde on twitter, you will she has some pretty amazing talents, and today was no different! We could have used a few more towels, and safety glasses might have been a good idea as well. She didn't seem to get a big response to her ad, so she cut her stay short. I am pleased I was able to see her while she was in town. I hope she returns someday soon, and if you ever go to Toronto, definitely a girl to see!
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20170131130730/http://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-beauty/city-of-halifax/professional-stay-healthy-massage-������-in-halifax/1234051599?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true You just never know what is on Kijiji!
  18. Careful of this one! https://web.archive.org/web/20170126131152/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/halifax-gents-beware-shes-a-scam-1-782-234-0784/2703064 https://web.archive.org/web/20170126131152/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/halifax-gents-beware-shes-a-scam-1-782-234-0784/2703064
  19. Looks like she is back.... https://web.archive.org/web/20170125122506/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/anastasia-international-russian-porn-star-back-for-1-week-only-low-volume-ask-about-my-duo-partner/2701919
  20. There is a review posted here... https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=246267 As well she references it in her latest ad. http://web.archive.org/web/20170124134840/http://halifax.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/barbie-doll/2698450
  21. She does not have positive reviews from the research I have done. Please let us know what you find out if you give her a try!
  22. http://halifax.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/charlotte-incall-thurs-nov-17-1pm-12am-experience-the-ultimate-in-pleasure-902-221-2920/2574296
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