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Everything posted by Athos

  1. I don't have a specific answer to this question, but I'll hazard a guess. First, though, what you are describing are not tax brackets, but rather different ways of classifying employment and the income you get from it. For taxation purposes, a bracket refers to the rate of tax paid on earned income up to certain amounts. In Canada, the tax brackets used to calculate your income tax are as follows: 15% on the first $42,707 of taxable income, + 22% on the next $42,707 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $42,707 up to $85,414), + 26% on the next $46,992 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $85,414 up to $132,406), + 29% of taxable income over $132,406. Now, of course, deductions operate to reduce the total amount of income earned, which then can have an effect on which tax brackets you fall into. These brackets apply to all earned income, regardless of source. In that way, there is NOT a separate bracket for adult entertainers vs self employed escorts. The same rate of tax will apply. I'm not sure about the designations you use Peachy, but it may have to do with employment status. So, for example, if a stripper gets paid by the club a set amount per shift worked, then she could be considered employed by the club. The money she makes from private dances are essentially tips. An escort, who works for an agency could be considered employed. Her share of each call becomes her "salary". However, she could be considered an independent contractor (self employed). The agency's share of each call, would now be thought of as an expense she pays the agency for services rendered ... Administering calls, setting up appointments, etc. it's probably to her benefit to do it this way, as the agency fee would be deductible from her income. In other words, it would be better for her to characterize herself as self-employed as she would be able to maximize deductions. It would also be to the agency's benefit, otherwise they'd have to do CPP and EI deductions and issue T4 statements (maybe they do, I have no idea) An independent escort is self-employed, running her own independent business. You can still call that business adult entertainer or entertainer. For tax purposes that is irrelevant. The key is whether or not you receive an income (paid on a regular basis to do a job for an employer). If not, you are self-employed. Call the job whatever you like. As a self employed person you maximize your deductions. For example, I'm employed. I can't claim a deduction for the costs of running my car, or for getting to work. But if I'm self-employed, and I need a car to conduct my business, then I can. When I go on a business trip my employer pays the costs and I submit expenses that get reimbursed. If I was self-employed doing the same job, I would deduct those costs from my income. Don't get hung up on the terms .... They are just ways of describing what you do, and, from what I can tell largely irrelevant for tax purposes. Perhaps someone else can add some further insight!
  2. And speaking of awkward situations, who can forget Howard's little experiment with the robotic arm. I wonder what the shuttle crews are really doing with the Canadarm
  3. Definitely not cool: Lessons to be learned: a). Don't go to the gym and b) if must go to gym, don't go with SO!! Porthos
  4. A gorgeous day and I'm inside sick
  5. Strawberries, chocolate, and sex: That's fun, but a bit tame ... This on the other hand: Is very hot (but very messy) Or what about chocolate bondage
  6. Cooking, cooking can be a very sensual experience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2knkEiyD0bM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  7. High rises are definitely the way to go, and as others have said trust is critical. I don't know what rent is like in Fredericton, but start off with how much rent and associated costs will be and then what you need the apartment to generate in income. You might find that you could regularly rent it to touring ladies for less than hotel costs, but sufficient that you could cover your rental expenses in x number of days a month. Then see if the remaining days a month give you the income you need. Talk to the respected and regular touring ladies. There could be a deal to be worked out. Porthos
  8. My first serious foray into this lifestyle was in Winnipeg. The lady I saw most regularly shared an incall with another lady. It was a two bedroom apartment. Most of the time when I was there I didn't see the other lady. My SP always greeted me at the door, we sat in the living room, moved to the bedroom. If the other lady was there she usually stayed in her room until I was in the bedroom. Only once did I hear her entertaining. Must confess I found it kind of hot! Eventually I saw both ladies, both individually, and as a duo. So it became very comfortable for everyone. They were very good friends, and seemed extremely good at working out the scheduling to minimize overlap and two clients knocking at the door at the same time. That seems to me to be the key. Porthos
  9. Gabriella, I'm so sorry this has happened, and the offending party should, in my view, be ousted from the board. Reading the two sets of text side by side (thanks Cowboy) it is very clear that your words have been stolen. The transparent attempt to hide it by changing a few words here and there doesn't succeed. Although it does rob the original of it's elegance and the sparkle that we know to be the one and only Gabriella! Porthos
  10. That is excellent. There's this one too: More T&A and less ribbons in wookie hair. Porthos
  11. Cloud and fog in St. john's so no super moon here either. I do like WIT's alternative!!
  12. I put too much in my comment. Just like to thank you again for this important correction. When I go to a massage provider, whether independent or a parlor, I'm not looking for FS. Some people do, but I personally prefer to keep things within usual Massage Parlour limits. Massage is a very different and wonderful erotic experience. Enjoy it for what it is.
  13. This is one way to keep your ties in place!
  14. I love Ethiopian food for this reason. Everything served right on the flat bread which is also plate and cutlery. Yum! There used to be a great Ethiopian restaurant in Toronto .... Near Eglinton and Bathurst, that would actually roast your coffee beans (they would bring them out for you to see at different stages of roasting) and serve it in a traditional African earthen jug. Best coffee, but you did have to wait a long time for it. Sadly, it's been gone for years. If anyone has recos for good Ethiopian food I'd love to hear them. Porthos
  15. I must confess that I absolutely love strip clubs! They are, for me, totally intoxicating. And, of course, therein lies the rub. I've been known to drop a lot of Money on an evenings entertainment. I actually prefer to go with a buddy, as the inclination to go to the champagne room is strongest when alone. There is one dancer that I likely fell for very hard. Nothing ever happened sexually between us, but we socialized a lot both in and outside the club. I don't think I dare go to a club where she's working. That is one rabbit hole I don't want to revisit! To this day I don't know whether anything she ever said to me was genuine!
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