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Everything posted by Athos

  1. RG, I couldn't agree more that many boards are a bit like the virtual equivalent of the locker room. Reading reviews it sometimes sounds like many of the people writing missed their calling and should (if the reviews are true) be in the porn biz and (if they aren't true) get a job writing for penthouse forum. I remember speaking to one of my favorite SPs about a recent review. She agreed that it was a pretty hot review, and wished she'd been there for it, cause it didn't bear any resemblance to the session she remembered. Porthos
  2. Yes, I think these are the likely reasons. I suspect there is also the possibility of someone being very malicious and seeking to damage the CERB members reputation by no-showing or being a bad client. If someone has a reputation as a bad client, the only way to get an appointment might be to impersonate people. We've heard of stories of clients that a lady decides not to see after initial contact .... Rude e-mail, or just something sets her instincts off. We've also heard how those individuals frequently don't give up, but try again. Impersonation might be one of those strategies. I agree, the thought of someone impersonating me, or anyone on the board, is supremely distasteful and creepy! Porthos
  3. Unfortunately this seems the curse of having a profile and a good reputation. The only way to deal with it would seem to be at the ladies end of things, as you suggest. Either, the lady being booked has to double check with the CERB member through their CERB handle (no handle, no booking), or the person being asked to provide the reference needs to inquire of the CERB member if they are, in fact, planning to see the lady. . It seems to me that the primary onus should be on the lady being booked, after all it is her screening process. I prefer to do much of my communication through CERB, which alleviates some issues of certainty when I'm booking. But it doesn't prevent someone unscrupulous from trying to take advantage. Porthos
  4. Never feel badly about your level of educational achievement. It doesn't speak to who you are, what you can achieve, etc. etc. Having said that, if it is something that bothers you, or you feel that improving your education or completing your degree is important to you, then I would really encourage you to pursue it. Let's face it, a lot of doors in our society won't open without the piece of paper. But do it for the right reasons, for you!!! Because it fits with what you want for yourself. Not because you think others will think less of you for not having it. In my view, one of the worse things someone can do is make someone else feel inadequate because of their education. Anyone who does that isn't a good friend or client. Peachy, your posts show a beautiful intelligent person. Don't doubt it for a second!
  5. It's 9:40 in the morning ... A major project is finished, and I have an appointment with a lovely lady this afternoon. More highlights to come!!!
  6. Happy Birthday RG ... hope you have a great day.
  7. Well, for me at least I don't worry about getting anyone pregnant. After my SO and I decided we were done having kids I went to see the Doc and got snipped! I've seen the test results and this musketeer is definitely shooting blanks!!
  8. When others don't do their job/live up to their responsibilities, leaving you to clean up the mess. I don't mind clean up, but the extra work means I'm going to be late fulfilling another obligation, letting someone else down. Oh well, WTF, it's only my reputation on the line!! It's going to be a long night and possibly a very long day tomorrow! Porthos
  9. In what has been a pretty crappy day, shrimp and chips for lunch was a definite plus!! I wonder how many highlights involve food, sex, or other!
  10. Congrats to a lovely and delightful lady!
  11. I can just imagine the conversation. Him: "hon, I want to talk to you about your blow jobs ... They suck, and not the way they're supposed to" Her [frostily]: "really... Well I don't have to do it if they are that horrible for you" Him: "no, no sweetie, I was thinking of a way you could improve" Her: "really?" Him: "yeah, you need a little sex education, sort of like blow job boot camp. We'll go to my favorite escort, and she'll blow me and give you step by step instructions on what I like. Then you can try" Her [yelling as door slams]: "my lawyer will be in touch ... He's not going to suck your dick, but I'm sure he'll leave you feeling totally fucked over".
  12. Apparently, the way a woman walks reveals whether she experiences orgasms, and what type of orgasm .... At least it does for Belgian women http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26676622/ns/health-sexual_health/t/your-walk-may-reveal-more-you-think/#.T3c76hB5mSM
  13. I never take my ring off ... And I've never had anyone comment on it!! I'd find it quite unprofessional if someone did! Porthos
  14. Married guys are relatively drama-free, unless the SO finds the SP's phone number in your jacket pocket!! :icon_eek:
  15. I'd like to think I'm preferred client material. One of the things I learned long ago, as Chanel suggests, is to leave preconceptions behind. Of course, physical attributes are important factor in attraction, they aren't everything. You really do need to look at everything about a person, and how you interact with them. Increasingly I prefer longer sessions for that reason, and tend to see fewer ladies with whom I repeat more often. I also learned that just as there is such a huge variety of clients, there is also huge variety in providers. I guess I've been very fortunate, but I would say that over 80% of the ladies I've seen have been just wonderful and delightful persons. Hard working, compassionate people, caring for family, trying to improve their lives, provide for children, seek opportunities for advanced education, etc. etc. in short, I've encountered far more arrogant and unpleasant individuals in a host of other professions than I have in this biz. It's one of the things that so pisses me off when I hear news commentary and other media portrayals of sex workers. As they say in Newfoundland, the ladies I've met are all "best kind". And I'd like to thank them for sharing their time and their intimacy with me. I truly feel enriched by knowing all of you, some in person, and others through forums like CERB. Porthos
  16. It is spring on the Rock ... you can feel the weather changing!
  17. This would be very nice: This pyjama party would not be fine: but this would be just fine:
  18. Cinnamon raisin french toast with lots of maple syrup for lunch!
  19. The bawdy house provisions have always been far too broad, covering everything from a single individual working out of their home to a full scale brothel. I hope the government will use some sense if they redraft the laws and focus on the exploitation factor. There really isn't anything the bawdy house laws accomplish that can't be achieved through a redrafted living off the avails provision. It always seemed to me that if there was exploitation going on you were only punishing the victims if you charged the service providers with being found in a bawdy house. If there wasn't exploitation you were charging them for engaging in an otherwise legal activity. Porthos
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