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Everything posted by Athos

  1. I have given flowers on many occasions. They have always been well-received. it's thoughtful, particularly if you know the lady has gone through a rough time. Porthos
  2. I couldn't agree more with RG on this. Keep the ladies you have seen out of this. The last thing they need is potential harassment from an angry and vengeful SO. Porthos
  3. brrr indeed ... glad I don't live in MB anymore. Great people, beautiful place, but way to cold for me.
  4. tourtiere made with ground pork and moose
  5. congrats ... that's a lot of posts. I hope we see another 7000. Porthos
  6. Condolences Jafo ... it's a hard thing to lose a parent, and doubly so when you are far away. My thoughts are with you.
  7. It was a more general observation, and not necessarily in direct response to your post Cristy. ... My point is not to say it isn't cheating. It absolutely is. No denying that, and I've wouldn't even try to justify my hobbying on that basis. There has been a lot of discussion lately about removing the stigma from sex work. I absolutely agree with that. However, there is also a stigma around infidelity. And, it seems to me, that without infidelity there isn't nearly the demand for sex work. So yes, I cheat and I fully accept that. Should that be judged ... well perhaps in some quarters but not here. Just my (friendly) .02
  8. I've had a beard for about 30 years ... yes, hair conditioner helps keep it soft, but really whether you need that or not depends on your own particular beard. Give it a month, and see whether you like it or not after that. It can take a bit of time for patchy spots to fill in. As others have said, how long it takes varies considerably from individual to individual. I would also advise keeping it neatly trimmed if you do decide to keep it. I'm a big fan of beards, but unruly beards and mustaches are, in my opinion, distasteful in the extreme. There's a difference between a beard that can be described as "full" and one that is just "gross". If it catches food, it's gross. Porthos
  9. The whole question of cheaing and it's relationship to this business has been discussed many times. Married men make up a large percentage of the individuals who engage in this life style. So I am frequently amused by the judgements that seem to be expressed about the subject. Every person has different reasons why they hobby. Just as providers have different reasons why they do this, so do clients. Judgements should be left aside. Having said that, there is no doubt that it is cheating, and that if caught it comes with a huge emotional cost. If you are married or in a relationship, (Unless you are lucky enough to be in an open relationship) the least you can do is be careful and cautious enough that your partner doesn't find out. I think you do owe your partner that much. and not to be critical of the OP, as things do happen that are unexpected/unanticipated, but it really isn't that hard to take precautions against being caught out. There are tons of posts on this subject and lots of good advice. I've been at this, with varying degrees of frequency, for over 15 years. I've never come even remotely close to being caught. Porthos
  10. Sorry you got busted. So now she wants to know everything. I understand that. I don't understand why you would tell her everything. You seem to actually want to dig up information about encounters you don't even remember. My goodness. She knows. You tell her it was two or three times, over a lengthy period, some of them before you met her, and that's the end of it. She either stays with you, or she doesn't. I have no idea how often you hobby, but if it is frequently it will hurt her far more than if it's only occasionally (or if she thinks it is occasionally). From there, several things might happen. either she a) insists you give up the hobby or b) she accepts that this is, from time to time, something you will do. If b) you might be even be lucky enough to introduce her to a lady to share the experience with you. If a), however, you will have to decide whether you will stop, or whether you will get much better at hiding your activities. Porthos
  11. Welcome In answer to your questions: 1) independent versus agency; is totally a question of personal preference and what you feel comfortable with. I tend to go independent, but that is also because I tend to plan encounters well in advance. Agencies tend to cater to those who want to book that day, rather than weeks in advance. But if you go with a reputable agency, I see no downside to going that route. I also like independents because it gives me more control over who I'm going to see, and an opportunity to get to know them a bit before the encounter, whether it be through this board, or through e-mail or phone. If you go with an agency, you may be limited to who is available that day, which may not be known in advance, and you won't have an opportunity to talk/e-mail with them before the meeting. 2) tipping ... again is up to you. I often take a gift, or a bottle of wine. I usually tip, but not always. Most ladies don't expect a tip, but it is always gratefully received and i think it is a nice way to convey that the encounter was meaningful to you. 3) there shouldn't be any hidden fees, but again this depends on the provider. Sometimes there may be additional costs associated with particular services that are not part of the normal encounter. PSE services, may involve an additional cost beyond the GFE price. Best to read the website and ask the provider. If going with an agency ask the phone person. 4) definitely get a cell phone. even an inexpensive pay as you go phone from 7-11 is critical. All the best, and have fun. Porthos
  12. Just back from running errands ... which mostly involved picking up wine for dinner tonight. looking forward to a nice evening with friends.
  13. To echo what others have said, a ton of useful information on this board. The best starting point is the "new to this" forum. The stickies at the start of the forum contain lots of information you need. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207 Don't hesitate to ask questions and have fun. Porthos
  14. congrats Excaliber ... well done. keep the posts coming. Porthos
  15. Waiting for coffee to be finished brewing. Why does it take so long??? Porthos
  16. happy new year everyone ... hope it brings you everything you could hope for. Porthos
  17. digesting dinner ... thinking that a glass of something might help the process.
  18. ebony emeralds or sapphires
  19. words to live by ... following these rules I'm hoping that 2014 will be better than 2013. I had too many run-ins with feline-toting bald guys, zombies (co-workers) and monkeys. I think I'll take off my glasses, pick up a big breasted blonde, and risk the cabin. Porthos
  20. Bloody Mary sleeping in or getting an early start
  21. Yes indeed ....happy birthday to you all.
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