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Everything posted by rdoyle

  1. This made me quite unreasonably happy
  2. Thank goodness for The Unhijackable Thread of Randomnes.
  3. Only one person's (very humble) opinion, but the opinion of a long-time condom user and fan. Most of any man's objection to covering is psychological, and the kernel of truth that the objection is based on can be well handled by a little lube on the head before the cover goes on and making sure the condom isn't cold. The bulk of the difficulty vanishes with a change of attitude. Condoms are fun, helpful little creatures that make possible what would otherwise be entirely too risky - they are Man's third best friend. Again, MHO, but I have a sense that North American culture has become quite blasé about STIs and their associated misery - inappropriately so.
  4. I can only second and confirm what has been written above - Sara is fun, beautiful, sensual and easy to be with. She is true to herself and very what you see is what you get, and she drew out the same from me. I will absolutely seek another meeting as soon as circumstances permit - assuming she agrees, one should not take these things for granted :) Our conversation was amusing and interesting, the best part of our meeting (almost) and I wish other obligations hadn't pulled me away so soon. I took too long to first meet Sara, and I look forward to seeing her again.
  5. Sophia Varoushka is warm, welcoming, fun and easy to be with. Beautiful as well, which so many others have noted. Her massage skills were what drew me to make our appointment, and I was very happy I did. She is careful, attentive and skilled - very much a well-being enhancer :) I confess that I was a hot-stone skeptic, but after Sophia suggested it I said "what the heck, you only live once". She was right, and I look forward to trying that again too. Thanks Sophia!
  6. It's that Hornsby, with a different band. I can't catch the show, but I'll definitely catch Tedeschi and Trucks :)
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