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Everything posted by capitalCforcougar

  1. -catching up to phone messages collected while I was gone and my machine only today felt compelled to give me (??) - scheduling appointments - addressing some rather fun requests ;) - trying to figure out why some people function the way they do *sigh* - deciding on a new music piece for another solo I have been invited to do <3 and of courrrrrse.... perrrrrrving here ;)
  2. they can't go wrong with a cougar ;) <hehe.. too easy to put that there lol>
  3. Unparalleled variety of sensual massage.. Domme/Dom and G*F*E* fun... and a veritable buffet of other delicious things in the den.... **Skype sessions also available..... for those a bit too far to commute ;) Let me get my claws into you... allow me to enjoy you...feed my insatiable appetite, and perrrrhaps help you to expand yours <grin>... A genuine privilege to explore you.... fully, totally and entirely... allow me to show you a whole new world **Evenings available with minimum 1 days notice preferred! Message me here for all the lovely details...or... for those who'd appreciate a 'lack' of censor police <grin> message me at; [email protected] **username and the word LYLA must be in subject please cannot wait to get you in front of me ;) <....soft tail flicks....curls around muscular legs... purring contentedly, l1cking jaws...waiting...> ;)
  4. didn't say you 'said' et al... but some of your points are not founded as a 'medical' practitioner.. but as a massage therapist.. and perhaps should be put out as an opinion.. which of course, is always valid.. it's an *opinion* :) but.. as a medical practitioner.. clinic owner and therapist of a number of modalities.. and knowledgeable in ways that an RMT (retired or not hehe) *might* not be.. I had to interject on a few points :) and obviously hehe anyone should go on the advice given to them by either their own practitioner and/or their pharmacist (including informing them of herbal "all natural' things they may be taking) over anyone on the internet.... that should be a given.. but sadly, at times, it is not.. which was why the grapefruit comment made me a bit nervous... I had a boyfriend who ended up in hospital after ingesting things that contained grapefruit.. while on a few BP meds... baaaad move hehe but, again... no harm, no foul meant... ;) and I whole-heartedly agree on the sharing a 'stinky' meal hehe who cares... so long as you both stink it's all good :) <grin>
  5. good day, and welcome.. to all the 'fresh meat'...<grin>.. hehe that's the big cat in me talking ;) Enjoy the conversations.. tips, comradery and info here folks.. it's a fine little world we have here ;)
  6. that's how things go when cougar's involvvved ;)
  7. and scared EVERYONE! <shudder>
  8. - a new bowl for my lovely Argileh (shisha pipe) - coffee for enjoying outside at stellas, while working on a new project and people-watching ;) - munchies for a solitarrrrry night in the prrrivate den :)
  9. Not sure.what the purrrrrrpose of this thread is hehe...but...as a medical practitioner of over 2 decades.... I have to interject a bit ... (I may offer more later, but am currently on my phone so hehe) am now on my laptop so hehe.. have gone in and added/elaborated a bit.... sorry hon, not trying to bash you.. but sometimes, misinformation can lead to some serious issues :) **if you have blood pressure issues...and are on medications for it....do not...DO NOT....implement grapefruit...pink or otherwise, in any way at all (even the lovely pink grapefruit pop can cause harm believe it or not!). Contraindications with your medications, render them useless OR can possibly cause the amount of medication in your blood to increase.. possibly dangerously so... (hospitalisation and/or.. in rare but prevalent cases.. fatalities!!! doooon't touch!!) Candida is not a contributor to body stink....but it is easily managed...once properly...and medically (most doctors may still shake their heads at it...but a holistic practitioner...like yours truly..hehe...has lots of helpful things for you) moderating your diet.. more water, less (or no) yeast products.. and NO SUGARS (candida, as with most bacterias/yeasts) feeds on sugar... and brushing with baking soda... (also.. msging me.. can help too hehe.. just sayin) ;) As for the coconut oil.....it *can* help to lessen plaque/tartar build up on the gums....but...after years of long consultations/conversations with dentists, doctors and hygienists......and making tooth/mouth care prrrroducts myself for years.....it is not.medically proven to kill the bacteria that can be in a mouth.... Brushing with a bit.of baking soda on your brush does more.for halitosis (chronic baaaaad breath)..than coconut oil ever will Rosemary is.a wonderful astringent....as is juniper...and anything with that sort of 'acrid' scent.....wonderful as deodorants..... and if you are one who tends to perspire a lot.. a soap with any of these types of herbs.. or using a few drops (only a few in the whole bottle!! too much can be just as bad and/or harmful!) in a body wash or shampoo can tame it a bit... as does my old stand by.. 1/3 cup of baking soda for a soak in the tub.. or even added to your wash..(clothes.. body... it's lovely stuff!) ...and pheromones are.much more.to do with an 'attraction' factor. ...(and are *not* actually affected in any way shape or form with what we eat or how we sleep)... they *are* sometimes affected by age.... and as such....are what we are unconsciously drawn to in a partner....if we find them stinky...hehe...'friend zone!' hehe spicy food does have a tendency to be a culprit of emitting unpleasant odors via the sweat glands.. but in order to have a drastic effect.. one would have to consume massive amounts of it, pretty much on a daily basis... hehe although garlic does tend to be a bit of an exception ;) all of them, however, make the body a wonderfully clean, well-running machine with an amazing immune system.. and a resilient skin.. shiny hair... and oddly enough.. clean ears ....and are also .. and this might be even more weird <grin>.. amazing aphrodisiacs! ;) (I happen to make an unbelievably tasty and wonderfully efficient body butter.. meant to share hehe out of most of the 'offenders' mentioned hehe) Not trying to be argumentative.....(luv ya Ocean hehe) ....just my (certified practitioner and maker of holistic medicines)....25+ years of professional experience speaking :)
  10. waking today to another wonderful note from a most special friend ...always brings a smile to my entire face :)
  11. enjoyed a wonderful dinner with a lovely new friend... at my favorrrite Indian place ....and going for lunch to another one today hehe .. life, in general, is good ;)
  12. ...some *real* bums to enjoy hehe this one is just a very cute pic ;) ...and, for those of us who appreciate a little 'meat' on the bones <grin> ....and, despite the fact that I am typically *not* one for overly muscly bodies.... they always seem to have amaaaaazing asses...... I mean... daaay-yuum! ;)
  13. bottle of wine for a lovely evening in the prrrivate den ;)
  14. the twists/turns end up excrutiatingly wonderful & exciting!
  15. conquered by preparation-H! <eww! haha>
  16. - enjoying a morning in the den with all the windows open... crrrrrisp air on bare skin.. - sipping strong coffee and snuggles with my 'for now' calm kitten ;) - addressing emails/requests (contemplating a fun 'foot' one - pictures may be cu*ming soon hehe) - perrrrving this place - looking forward to a lovely lunch with a friend at Clay Oven downtown (only been to the other one, so this will be another adventure!) :)
  17. a prrrrredictably sh1tty lunch at a food court.. ugh.. why do I do that? hehe
  18. May your day be perrrrrrfect! :) ....gotta say, the way the 'title' of this thread rrrrrrolls off the tongue is amusing hehe "Happy birthday to someguy" ;)
  19. *having* to do errands & laundry... instead of enjoying the perrrrrfect distraction of another body .......forrrrr now, anyway ;)
  20. which is a different turrrrn than expected...
  21. - Lounging in the prrrrivate den...enjoying the crisp air on bare skin - addressing emails/and of courrrse.. more fun requests <grin> - mapping out a new shawl prrroject that's been mulling around my busy brrrain lately.. (crocheting is no small feat when one has paws hehe) - slowly talking myself into dressing and running a few errands (one of which is picking up the missing piece to my beautiful new Argileh (hookah pipe from Palestine) ...mind you, once I get up and go get it.. I can hurry back, disrobe.. and enjoy it finally haha ;) so.... clothes it is, and soon off to Second Cup (I know.. sacrilege to my beloved stellas lol) perrrrrving here cut momentarily short hehe...
  22. every...single....incredible sensation and excitement known
  23. Additional Comments: hahahahahahahaha aww muuuuffin! lol hahaha Additional Comments: funny....but oh so wrong...... but.. mostly funny ;)
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