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Everything posted by capitalCforcougar

  1. is simply ludicrous in sexy our stories :)
  2. I think I remember these.... sort of toffee.. sort of jelly... (wondered about that when you said 'tools' ;)
  3. ....<droool>k.. I *need* this dress hehe ....and should make this one ;) ...now this, has some interesting possibilities.... <purrrrrr>
  4. good thing this cat is 100% real then <hehe> (numbers aren't counted as words, so...mleh!> ;)
  5. Hallowe'en being more like my New Year, food/sweets and tasty thing are always at the forefront for me but my perrrsonal favorite, back then, and still today...when I can find them.... is what Ocean may be referrring to... I believe what you are talking about were the medium/dark brown chewy toffee/fudgy candy came in paper wrappings with 'halloween pictures' on the... usually orange paper...called 'halloween kisses'...lovely molasses toffee... gaawd those are so good! (I found a recipe for them! scared to make them.. I'd eat them all day hehe) ...any chewy candy was/is my favorite...(Mojos, Halloween kisses... tootsie rolls....<drool>...) worst were sour things... ...forgot to add what I give out <grin> I usually make sugar cookies that look like witch fingers.. complete with bloody nails.. give them out wrapped, with all ingredients listed along with my address/phone number.. just in case... for adults, I have a coffee urn, with all the fixings.. including baileys :)
  6. A Beautiful Mind (grrrreat movie!)
  7. tonight's dinner may well be on the suggestion of a surprisingly health conscious 3 year old.. so.. hehe remains a mystery as to what I shall be devouring this evening ;)
  8. perrrrhaps slather, rinse, repeat.. slather, rinse...... rrrrrepeat? ;) <purrrr>
  9. - catching up on emails/requests - perrrrving naughty things about b00bs & bacon <grin> - enjoying coffee and music in the purrrfect ambience of my office - preparrring rooms for therapy sessions - gathering intel on a house I am interested in and going to see later today <crossing fingers, toes, eyes, leaving knees alone though hehe> ....perrrrving this place ;)
  10. ....and yes... yes I *do* have a dirty mind but it's bacon, so it's okay ;) ....<droool> baaaacon tacos! yes please!!
  11. hasn't occurred yet, but am spending the evening with the most awesome little girrrrrrl on the planet after work today.. soooo definitely going to be the absolute highlight :) could win 50 million dollars.. meet the man of my drrrrreams... be given a house.... and she'd still win out ;)
  12. - coffee... ham & swiss croissant.. - pipe stem set up to the hooka hoses I found at second hand shop last week (perrrhaps the base will show up there too hehe) - gorgeous hot pink lacy bra... soon to appearrrrrr in an album near you! ;)
  13. .....what... the f*ck? <lol> ...."And I'm okay!" <checking meds to make sure>
  14. there'd better be a few of those! ;)
  15. - enjoying a lull in the afternoon - the sounds of Fox Amoore's 'Voice of Sinnah' permeating my thoughts with it's ethereal beauty - being happy my new picture additions finally cleared ;) - trying to determine a time to view a possible new and lovely den! ;) - thinking about the burger and beer I shall be enjoying soon <drooool>
  16. as crass as that obviously is.. to say something publicly (in mixed company...as in perrrhaps NOT privy to what you do... et al..) and the rather flippant way of dismissing someone's death.... you have to admit it is pretty funny to have that comment just randomly put out there.. if I were the lawyer, I would have laughed too.. *especially* at your asking how his croissant was haha wonderfully well handled luv.. well done.. <hugs>
  17. greasy, bacon-slathered... cheese-covered... perrrrrfectly done burger .... and MGD with a new friend :) soooo looking forrrrward to this! :)
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