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Everything posted by Monstermash

  1. Looking for SP s 6 fit plus just saw Seinfeld and George wanted a tall woman!
  2. This reminds me of the retirement of The WHO in 1983! Yet the WHO are still performing.
  3. All goods worth price charged! I believe that to be a slogan for Jack Daniel Burbon
  4. Visited her last night location very close to 401 great GFE no nonsense very friendly and upbeat She currently has been only on BP
  5. There is still the fear of being seen or even caught in a sting! Yes I've seen too many Tv shows. But seriously after30 years I still get nervous and sometimes I have bailed not so much anymore as I keep to the usual suspects. I understand the negative impact on the SP but some guys literally can only muster up enough gumption to book the call then they can't follow through.
  6. Mirella is the best? She is reviewed on this board I believe.
  7. It's really a crapshoot! Never seem to match the photos.
  8. Now in kingston on BP. Anyone seen her lately
  9. Monstermash


  10. Monstermash


    From the album: Monster

  11. 1984 with a street walker in TO. Scared yet excited! Treated her with respect and promptly lasted a few short minutes actually maybe seconds! 32 years later its still exciting and scary yet the ladies seem to like us more mature clients. Shared respect goes a long way to a great experience
  12. Thank you specifally looking for a midget but didn't want to use that term!
  13. Looking for fun with a little person any stories or recos?
  14. Arriving with a Timmy's gift card or a small box of Turtles has always worked for me as far as breaking the ice without awkward small talk.
  15. I am open to suggestions and requests and also open to respectively decline the suggestions and requests! Shared respect for all.
  16. Anyone been to the Cab lately? I hope to go this weekend looking for Jose!
  17. Good rule of thumb if it seems fishy stay away. It's great to have a regular provider but I think we all enjoy the rush of 1st time encounters!
  18. As a customer you get more with honey than you do with? Treat people how you would like to be treated in any situation!
  19. Ask politely and they will respond politely is my experience
  20. I could be wrong but I think she used to go as Jessica. I tried once but when she finally answered she was in Trenton.
  21. When in Bellville a lot of the patrons are from Ktown
  22. I guess what I mean is leaving after you arrive. If something seems fishy for lack of a better term. The no show is bush league! I'm just curious about arriving and just not being comfortable for whatever reason. For example I recently paced around a hotel parking lot for twenty minutes waiting for a text with instructions. I went ahead with the meeting but was nervous during the time spent.
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