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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Those who know me will know why this caught my attention :-) : From CTV's website: CTV Ottawa Published Wednesday, July 10, 2013 3:29PM EDT Anyone passing by the Boko Bakery on Elgin Street got a free taste today of one of the most popular pastries in the world. Boko was handing out free samples of the Cronut. Boko used the Canadian spelling in the sale of the Croughnut. The cronut is the hybrid pastry, half doughnut and half croissant. The pastry is all the rage since the SoHo bakery in New York City began selling 300 Cronuts per day in June. Hundreds line up at the New York bakery starting at 6am. In the capital, the Boko Bakery makes up to 30-50 Cronuts each day. The bakers are still perfecting the recipe and were handing out free samples today over the lunch hour. Those lucky enough to taste the Ottawa verison of the Cronut gave the pastry the all thumbs up. Across town at the popular Atelier Restaurant on Rochester Street, pastry chef Michael Holland has been working up the dough to bake his own version of the Cronut. Holland's version is also topped up with Fruit Loops. Graham and Carol Anne will have a taste of both Ottawa style cronuts tonight on CTV Ottawa news at 6, Read more: http://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/cronut-craze-hits-the-capital-1.1361559#ixzz2YvjcZzRA
  2. Thank you everyone for the comments made so far. with the feedback you are giving, things are shaping up quite nicely !! If you haven't provided your comments but would like to do so, you still have a bit of time. I'll be in a position to make the official announcement in the next few days.
  3. I've certainly considered a poll, but i preferred this approach as it allows (for me) a bit more direct interaction with people that are interested. And great comments by the way!!
  4. Hello everyone! Its already July, and the Ottawa September social is already about 2 months away (time will fly). I wanted to take the opportunity to seek out some input on the matter. While the September social will be held at new location, traditionally, the socials have been held on Thursday nights. I wanted to know if it would be worthwhile to break with tradition, and hold it on another night? So, should the next social still be held on a Thursday night or, alternatively, be held on say, a Wednesday night? Also, some of the dates currently being looked at would be the 4th or 5th of September (Labour Day being the 2nd), or on the third week of September, either the 18th or the 19th of September. Your thoughts on the matter would be greatly be appreciated. You can reply directly to this thread, PM me, Loneskater or Spud271.
  5. Sara, all the best in your future endeavours! CERB, and the socials, wont be the same without you. It was a great pleasure and honour to have met you. I'll certainly miss our chats your positive outlook to life and your sense of humour. You certainly had a tremendous, positive influence an many, me included! Again, all the best!!
  6. Congratulations Gabriella!!! Very impressive milestone, and indicative of your contributions !
  7. While i'm pretty much glued to my smartphone and the net (they're great to pick up news on the go or pay bills, do a bit of research), being recently away from it all for a week made me just slow down and relax. I hadn't read a complete book for a long while. Its just great feeling to set those aside once in a while. I have to admit, though, having my entire music collection on my laptop is great; it makes it easy to find something without thumbing through a pile of cd's. Having grown up with tv, I've dumped cable a few months ago and am quite happy to be living without it. I've never much seen the use of some of the technological gadgets out there (especially those with a 1000 and 1 options), a few simple items will do the job for me.
  8. in which city would that be in? That would help in getting recommendations - pointers ;-)
  9. , from Act 3, Scene 2 (the mad scene) of the Opera Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti.
  10. Always been a fan of Marvel Comics. In the same vein (This may be obscure for some - those are fantasy artists): Luis Royo or Boris Vallejo
  11. And the Mezzanine lounge is superb, and the bar staff professional, talented, always relaxed even when busy, and certainly good looking. The atmosphere is great, and there is always great music.
  12. Not sure if it's going to help or not (or answer your questions), but posts i make (or threads i start for that matter as far as i noticed) never appear on the "new posts" section when i view it right after, though it should if someone else looks at that section.
  13. So i was shopping for wine over the weekend, and i had to look twice. It came as a surprise, but guys, it seems that there is a wine out bearing your name? Did you start commercializing it, or it got fetched out of the lodge without you guys knowing about it???? I mean beer AND wine (or is that "wine") at the FB lodge as refreshments? Maybe i should get myself hired .... Oh, would this red i found go well with Lee's culinary explorations??? I haven't heard anything about it ...
  14. It is a cool thread .... i'm with ya on this one (the hair thingy you're mentioning there;-P ). Now now, You know Lee, RG, you two are not the only CERB stud muffins to be eye candy .... ;-) What's sexier than me in an apron in the kitchen ? .... or showing off with bling-bling ? ... or being in a business suit and tie?
  15. Massaging the scalp. Twilight or sunset?
  16. Congrats, chat buddy!!!! Keep the posts coming!!! Looking forward to reading more!!
  17. Congrats my friend!! Keep on posting! Keep us thinking, smiling and laughing. You're an asset to the community!!
  18. And so does Jessie Brown (having a recommendation thread that is). Look for the ladies that work there under the recommendation section. This Spa is fairly new on the Ottawa scene, i believe, so it may be why we haven't seen recommendations on the spa itself as an establishment. Edit: Just saw this other thread : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=136289
  19. I havent got much to add on top of what was posted, but there was a good thread on this very topic (re. what to do with the wallet) with some very good insights, so i thought i'd post it here : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10325
  20. I like Meg because she made me smile this monday morning!! Its a nice way to start a monday, and a work week!!
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