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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. LusciousLaceyxo (edit; just reread the thread and saw Bridgette had already mentioned her), from Taboo uses this forum also as mentioned, but i cant think of anybody else at the moment, outside of the ladies you mentioned, Bridgette.
  2. Fall and winter, i do the exact same thing, including laundry, ironing shirts, etc...
  3. Back from a weekend out of town. All in all, it was great to break the routine. Couldn't help but smile while i walked saturday, i stumbled on a store and couldn't help but smile and think about a few of my lady CERB friends (if you read this you know who you are ;-) ) ... i was brought to a bite-size cupcake store.
  4. Today i particularly like Angela, as one of her comments to one of my post gave me a much needed chuckle!!! :-)
  5. This reminded me of a thread started a while back on "Playing the field vs repeating". Cross posting, i know, but i think it they are similar topics, at least related.
  6. I use it when i'm home and not otherwise busy. It's great to catch with member i know. Makes things a bit more interactive, and get to know other members better. The great thing about chat, if you find it hard to follow the multitude of conversation, is that you can chat in private with a limited number of people. Makes things easier to follow if you wish to know one or two persons at a time. I use frequently enough.
  7. Welcome to CERB! Hopefully you will enjoy your time here!
  8. Even withe the rain, i had a good start of the day, but as i was preparing food, i burned the palm of my left hand ... Hurts like hell!!!!
  9. For today, i'm using an expression ... I was watching Pirates of the Caribbeans and an expression the characters use is, of course, "Shiver me timbers". Using the possessive "me", it is an exclamation in the form of a mock oath usually attributed to the speech of pirates in works of fiction. It is employed as a literary device by authors to express shock, surprise or annoyance. The phrase is based on real nautical slang and is a reference to the timbers, which are the wooden support frames of a sailing ship. In heavy seas, ships would be lifted up and pounded down so hard as to "shiver" the timbers, startling the sailors. Such an exclamation was meant to convey a feeling of fear and awe, similar to, "Well blow me down!", or, "May God strike me dead". Shiver is also reminiscent of the splintering of a ship's timbers in battle - splinter wounds were a common form of battle injury on wooden ships ('shiver' means splinter in some English dialects). The phrase actually appeared in print as early as 1795, and is apparently a derivative of a nautical slang, and was meant as an exclamation, like "My goodness!".
  10. Slightly different then what was posted so far (these are all from Graphic Novels): Cybil, from the Graphic Novels "Les Feux D'Askell" Druuna, from italian artist Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri Or any of Milo Manara's characters:
  11. And another with hair AND showing her dragon tattoo.
  12. Don't know any better, lack of understanding or willingness to accept that, as human beings, monogamy can be difficult to maintain (though not impossible but not impossible IMO). I think it's somewhat complex (at least when it comes to understanding human nature and a diversified planet), but part of it may be human upbringing. If you look at north-american, or more loosely judeo-christian upbringing (to name just this one), monogamy is promoted and favored. Find a girlfriend, get married, picket fences, 2.1 kids etc.... This may be a way for the more right-wing groups to promote their views, i dont know. A quick, partly awake post for this morning...
  13. In Canada, Nova Scotia, and more specifically Halifax. It's a lovely city. Internationally, there are a few places : On the African continent: Morrocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey. Europe: Spain, Portugal (the city of Porto is wonderful, and of course the wine of the same name), Italy Just about anywhere in the carrabean islands.
  14. Welcome to CERB! I'm sure you'll enjoy the community. You'll get to know some great people from across the country. Having chatted with ladies from the maritimes, you will sure agree that they are great!!! Enjoy!
  15. Getting a packaged gift from my godmother; an homemade wool blanket. It'll be great to crash on the couch and read a book.
  16. Mmmmmmmm Lost in translation??? Private sector helping improve the state of roads?? This road financed by ....
  17. I've always been interested in linguistics, especially the development of language and origin of words. In College, i've taken a Linguistic course on the french language. It was interesting to see the greek, latin, english and german influences on the language, finding out where words were rooted, and to find both common and official acceptance of terms, especially from english, in french. Today, i stumbled on the origin of the word SYMPOSIUM. Of course, in business, a symposium is a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience. BUT, the greek origin, and its use in ancient Greece and Rome of the word means "Drinking party". Interesting. Does anyone else know of an origin of a word that is lost, or not in use? Thought it be interesting to share how language evolves over time.
  18. .... and what is not to like about Gabriella? A great, sincere laugh and impeccable taste in (at least) two interests we both share!
  19. I like Georgiana for her wonderful smile :-)
  20. Waking up under the weather and having to change plans ... crap, i hate those changes in weather.
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