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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Now Off work and on vacay!!! Yippee!!!
  2. Could not find an english version .... What follows is an article in french (could not find one in english) about a anti-prostituion rally in Montreal, on the sidelines of the F1 Grand Prix. A highlight of the article mentions that ladies (especially in agencies) have to work longer hours than usual during the Grand Prix. http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/regional/montreal/201206/09/01-4533367-breve-manifestation-contre-la-prostitution-a-montreal.php Le Grand Prix de Formule 1 du Canada continue de susciter la colère de protestataires. Une manifestation contre la prostitution dans le cadre du Grand Prix a tourné court, en début de soirée, au centre-ville de Montréal. Les policiers antiémeutes du Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) ont divisé le cortège en deux environ trente minutes après son départ. Les manifestants se sont ensuite dispersés après avoir marché une dizaine de minutes supplémentaires. Les protestataires avaient promis de faire dérailler les activités normales du Sheraton. Il s'agit d'un hôtel «privilégié de ces crosseurs internationaux», ont fait valoir les organisatrices de l'événement, en référence aux clients de la prostitution. Les organisatrices de l'événement, qui se décrivent comme des «féministes radicales» et des «proféministes», voulaient ainsi dénoncer le tourisme sexuel que trainerait dans son sillage la course automobile. Mais au moment de partir, une porte-parole a fait savoir que «pour la sécurité» des manifestants, étant donné leur petit nombre - ils étaient environ 150 - l'action de perturbation au Sheraton n'aurait pas lieu. La marche devait plutôt s'arrêter devant de grands hôtels montréalais pour faire entendre sa colère. Finalement, seul le Delta a reçu leur visite. «La prostitution, c'est un viol monnayé à répétition», ont argué les organisatrices. Elles assurent que la période du Grand Prix est particulièrement difficile pour les prostituées, obligées d'offrir leurs services pendant de longues heures chaque jour. «Dans le cadre de la F1 à Montréal, les bars de danseuses obligent les femmes prostituées à être présentes pendant toute la durée de l'événement. Elles peuvent être présentes plus de 12 heures par jour pendant les quatre journées», a assuré une organisatrice s'adressant à la foule. Les agences d'escortes «incitent fortement les femmes prostituées à doubler sinon tripler leurs disponibilités tout au long de l'événement», a-t-elle continué.
  3. I stand corrected then. Didn't pay enough attention.
  4. This Taylor, perhaps?? She used to work at Paradise Spa, and is now in the Toronto Area. Not sure if she has been working at AAA though. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=51773
  5. Same here. Still digesting what i think of it. It has some interesting ideas.
  6. Animals that would not stare??? Seriously, not an issue for me as i have a cat myself. I always make sure that no one is allergic or it doesn't get in the way when i'm hosting. Would not be an issue if i'm visiting. Cats or dogs i have no issue if they go about freely and are house trained, and the other types of pet i don't ming if the are in "cages" i.e aquarium for spiders and lizards etc..
  7. The one in Rigaud indeedclosed several years ago and the building has been replaced by a Tim Hortons i think. Cant remember how it was called though. The Hilltop is in Vaudreil-Dorion, a few minutes after Rigaud right before getting on the island. This one may still be in operation, but i've never been to it so i can't comment.
  8. Andromeda Strain and Next were great books indeed. I really like Next as it talked the possible implications of genetics testing.
  9. For the sic-fi fans, i recently read "Conspiracy of the planet of the Apes", written by Andrew E. C. Gaska. It fills in the blanks between the scenes of the original Planet of the Apes movie and focuses on other characters. Interesting read, and the'Ve had various artists provide illustrations. I'm currently reading "Airframe", from Micheal Chriton. A good read so far.
  10. Just got to thinking that i havent been to pigale on a week night - or a saturday for that matter- but would anyone know if Sarah (shortish, brown hair) or Leslie (tall and busty blonde) are still around? Manu thanks!
  11. Had the same question about Pigale last week afterr seeing rheir website but ended up there past 8. The dancers confirmed they opens past 7 pm. Last time i was there on a weekend before 8, it was pretty quiet. The fax and barbs open at 5, i think. Last i was at the fax early on a sunday (6:30 maybe???) it was dead-ish.
  12. The soundtrack is playing on radio ...
  13. I'm told i'm a good baker, but never used my talents outside of the kitchen. Perhaps this : Speaking of food and play:
  14. Would it mind being frisked, if it had a needle in it?
  15. Last visit to Pigale last sunday brought me in the way of Brianna. Lovely gal!! Lots of sensual fun in the CR.
  16. Maybe i should have added a few pictures for the above recipe
  17. I can now confirm that they do still open at 7 pm on weekends. They had a few ladies in from Toronto. One blonde lady called Maria looked stunning, with a smile to light up a room. I had a chance to chat a bit with her, but not get better acquainted, as a lady i knew well was there.
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