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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. Congratulations for 500 posts, Isabella!!!! Keep your great thoughts and your friendliness coming for many many more posts. You deserve cookies and a glass of milk!!!
  2. True, Real, Unified Sexual Transparency Next: GUMMY
  3. Orgasmic Intelligence Lubrifies Extremely Delicately Next: WITTY
  4. Well, a very friendly member of cerb started a variation on my handle; Mister Tea.... Now if i could remember who that was...;-). My handle is also getting nicknames (always bringing a smile) but i will let people guess... It's also been shortened to MrT in chat (makes it easier to type and sounds the same).
  5. True, but depending on which store, they go by very fast .....
  6. I have used my initial thread for the cooking and baking group to let people know that members posted recipes ....
  7. More recipes were added by various members in Cerb's cooking, cookie and baking Emporium. Cant wait to try them .... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=64
  8. Some quick ideas .... A light lunch on the market, a walk through the shops (it's nice to see what the other person is interested in), maybe go to festival activities when they are on. A short visit to a museum, if there is interest (the art gallery for example), High Tea (5 o'clock tea) at the Chateau Laurier. A theater piece, but you don't get to chat during it, only after .....
  9. I am im the same situation as kubrickfan - of course not the same lady, not the same club and not as long. We keep in touch from time to time.
  10. I have been following it myself through the french papers.... I'll be curious to see where this goes ....
  11. I did it through the App several months ago. Found CERB on the forums, added my handle and password. Cant remember much, i'm afraid. You should have forum list .... (it's called network on iphone) or a search function to find it. IF it's the same format on BB.
  12. Lovely Orgasm Because Ecstasy Satisfies ... NEXT: ANGEL
  13. Wish i could help ... I use tapatalk for iphone. Didn't have to register, only set up my cerb account. It provides access to most of CERB, but not everything. HAve you tried their website? There is a section for bb's. Edit: Tapatalk for bb's is still in beta version (i.e. testing phase), which is pobably why you are having difficulties .... Just got this from tapatalk's website ....
  14. Cognac is much stronger and sharper i find. Stronger in alcohol too. Port is sweeter i find, and not as strong. Richer in taste. Since you are still in Ottawa, try an LCBO. You can find half bottles. Or a full bottle for about 20 to 25$ or so. All are good to start, but look for either a Tawny of a LBV on the Label. I would start with Grahams or Taylor Fladgate. Try the red Port from either brands.
  15. April, can i say that all other ideas are now obsolete???
  16. It's no longer an "old boys club thing", by far ..... It is great after a meal, or on it's own, while lounging with friends. Hope you'll get to enjoy a glass someday.
  17. Can i be all eyes and ears for your ideas?????
  18. Port wine is exclusively Portuguese (referencing the city of Porto) and is a fortified wine (19% to somewhere around 25% alcohol content) hence stronger than normal wine. It's aging process in Oak casks makes is sweeter in taste that red wine (for red port) and richer in flavour. At least that is the jist of it. For more info, you can look this link ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_wine Hope this helps, Sweetshay ...
  19. The thread on Scotch (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=50073) got me thinking, are there any Port wine connoisseurs in CERB. I am going to assume that there are a few. I now sit here typing this thread, i am enjoying a bottle of Quinta Do Castelinho, 1997 Late Bottled Vintage. Personally, i enjoy LBV, as i try to avoid decanting a bottle for just my use. Some of my favorites include: Taylor Fladgate LBV (10 years), Warre's Otima (10 years), and Graham's LBV. One bottle i have difficulty finding is Graham's "six grapes". Dark, syrupy, sweet and rich port wine. I often enjoy a crisp, slightly chilled white port. Graham's white port is probably my favorite. Now, all that is missing, is a good cigar... What would be yours????
  20. Would you like me to give you some ideas???
  21. Bonafide Orgasmic Nomenclature Exists Definitly Next: FULLY
  22. Certainly Return At Visquous Excellence ;-) Next : SLIDE
  23. Total Orgasmic Unification Coming Home Next : SAVOR
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