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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. .... And wear a bikini? Oh no, i have it. Be an official sun tan boy?
  2. To ease our tax bleeding suffering, a comparative graph on personal and corporate tax rates (2005 mean) across various countries. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Income_Taxes_By_Country.svg Would'nt want to live in Belgium. 55% income tax on personal earnings ...
  3. LMAO ... Thanks Megan, that was hilarious. I think i'm going to chuckle all day thinking about it ...
  4. Now what, you ask???? We wait for summer, where layers of winter clothes will be shed away to be replaced by tank tops, skirts, shorts, and other summer accoutrements. :shehot:
  5. And that's not counting the slow increases of taxes we pay ... Meg, did i read Death Tax on your list??? The things they find to make a dollar .... to cover the pay increases they are voting themselves ...
  6. Might be back there tomorrow (saturday) evening. I'll keep an eye out if you want.
  7. MMMMM ..... Now I get it. I'm starting to understand my cat's behavior .... lol :icon_smile:
  8. The old Asian Monk: Just as i figure the secret of the Caramilk, they come out with another one. Think, think, think! That's all I do...
  9. For me, it doesn't really matter as i'm fluent in both languages. Being francophone, i find though that french is more .... Versatile in it's vocabulary if you're creative enough.... ;)
  10. You shouldn't be shy about asking, we're all people persons ... For me, it doesn't come into play.
  11. ....expensive plane ticket ... :icon_rolleyes:
  12. Hi all, does anybody know if Sarah (smallish tunisian, french speaker) is around? Last i saw her was during the fall or early winter. PM me if you would rather not post ....
  13. When i looked at it yesterday with my cell, it brought me to a video of a guy born without limbs giving a speech to kids about hoe, when he falls, he doesn't despair. He gets back up. The link doesn't seem to work as well (not pointing to the video) on my home system. Additional Comments: Try this:
  14. Good addition, WIT. Yes, let's get back to the topic at hand...
  15. Being pro-choice myself, i recognize that this topic is still a hot one, and complex. Fetal rights are still a hot debate among certain circles and will certainly creep back to Parliament. Saying that foetuses are not protected may not be quite exact. There are exceptions from a legal standpoint (as far as i understand the law). The criminal code, for example, addresses crimes against a person. It defines a person as being one from birth (eg the baby is out and breathes on it's own), and makes it still a crime to cause death to an unborn child (thus not a "person" yet), except in cases of abortion - the 20weeks cited. Another example is that An unborn child has inheritance rigths protected, on the day of birth. In the case of abortions, it's been decriminalised years ago and parameters were set as a "line in the sand" had to be set. All in all, this is an issue that is society driven, and our enlightened politicians will make acts surrounding these kinds of issues...
  16. It is. Webdreams was filmed as she was getting her contract with vivid.
  17. Personnally, i'm pro-choice. I can understand that "shit happens" even with protection and proper planning (family planning that is). Birth control can be pretty safe, but it never is 100% safe - condoms can break, and the pill has a low margin of error. At other times, shittier events can happen requiring an abortion (rape leading to pregnancy is an example). So, as a last resort, yes, as i'm not ready to have kids anyway. But i respect those for whom this would never be an option because of their beliefs.
  18. I think i've met her last wednesday, at around 8:30 pm. Not 100% sure though, as she came by to chitchat while i was waiting for someone.....
  19. Interesting .... That reminds me a saw ads for Malezia (a former Vivid star) was escorting. She's listed here : http://www.cachetladiestor.com/087_Malezia.html Apparently they are located in major cities in Canada. I think she also advertised with Montreal Hot Girls a while ago.
  20. Mister T

    comme franky

    Adorable! Il a l'air de vouloir se faire coller....
  21. Santana - Black magic Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaKnRUfh_5I
  22. As Sin Cindy advertises these days as being "4 minutes from downtown", it woul be best to contact her directly to ask. She's pretty good in replying to inquiries. Good luck.
  23. Thanks for the tip eddie_b. Good to know she's still around This was past 6-7pm i'm assuming? Yes, she mentioned it to me as well when she was working at Pigales last year. Along with very good genes. Last i bumped into her was last spring at Barb's, i think. And I agree, very very nice lady
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