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Mister T

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Everything posted by Mister T

  1. 27 bacon desserts: http://www.dose.com/lists/16232/27-Bacon-Desserts-That-You-ll-Want-To-Pig-Out-On-11-Is-So-Simple?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=omgfacts&utm_campaign=lists&utm_content=third Nuff' said.
  2. Don't forget to get your ticket!!! Email money transfers is available (please note, for those wanting to pay in person that Loneskater is away for a few days), or if you want to get a ticket through ALO, you get 20$ off your appointment! Get yours before they're all gone! It's going to be a great Christmas party!!!
  3. Montreal Bacon S'mores sandwich: Montreal Maple Bacon stick:
  4. Best Montreal food challenges .... it includes a 15 pounds poutine or 40 dozens of oysters. eick! http://www.mtlblog.com/2014/10/best-montreal-food-challenges-you-need-to-try-with-your-friends/
  5. Gents, i can add that, starting this coming Saturday, if you get your ticket through the ALO spas, you get 20$ off your appointment. As I stated here, please contact ALO management to arrange things. Cheers!!
  6. And email transfers are available as well - just contact me to get it going. Ticket sales - both regular and the VIP ones (for the limo ride to and from) are really flying! Do get yours before they're gone!!
  7. Thank you everyone who have paid so far! Remember, ladies and gents, your basic ticket covers food and entertainment (we have a few Burlesque performers lined up for you, and may have a few Vaudeville ones as well). The VIP ticket includes a limo ride on top of the above. Quite a few ladies have signed up, and places in the limo is limited, so don't wait!! Please see this post for ticket details!! You do not want to miss this Christmas party!!
  8. 12 restaurants for first timers in Montreal: http://www.mtlblog.com/2014/10/12-montreal-restaurants-a-first-time-visitor-to-the-city-needs-to-eat-at/
  9. Just found a good list .... "101 places to eat at in Montreal before you die" http://www.mtlblog.com/2014/09/101-restaurants-to-eat-at-in-montreal-before-you-die/ There are a few good places for dates in that list :icon_biggrin:. Bad thing is, by the time i add to that list, i might not eat at home for a long time!!!
  10. -I'll PM it to you- All those wanting to make an email payment, let me know by PM - gents who have done so in the past, it hasn't changed.
  11. For the french readers ..... [url]http://www.lapresse.ca/vivre/sexualite/201410/28/01-4813477-des-relations-avec-plus-de-20-femmes-reduiraient-le-risque-de-cancer-de-la-prostate.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne=cyberpresse_les-plus-populaires-vivre_article_ECRAN1POS1[/url] [U]Abstract[/U]: "Men having had relations with more than 20 women would reduce their chances of having prostate cancer by 28% (all types) and by 19% for aggressive types of cancer an U of M study shows. " La Presse Canadienne MONTR�AL Les hommes qui ont eu des relations sexuelles avec plus de 20 femmes au cours de leur vie réduisent de 28% leur risque d'être un jour atteint d'un cancer de la prostate, comparativement à ceux qui n'ont eu qu'une seule partenaire, démontre une étude de l'Université de Montréal. � l'inverse, avoir eu plus de 20 partenaires masculins dans sa vie est associé à un risque deux fois plus élevé d'avoir un cancer de la prostate, par rapport aux hommes qui n'ont jamais eu de relations sexuelles avec un autre homme. Les hommes qui ont affirmé n'avoir jamais eu de relations sexuelles couraient un risque presque deux fois plus élevé d'être atteint d'un cancer de la prostate que les autres. C'est lorsqu'un homme a fréquenté plus de 20 femmes dans sa vie qu'apparaît une réduction de 28% du risque d'avoir un cancer de la prostate (tous types confondus), et de 19% d'être atteint d'un type de cancer agressif. La chercheure Marie-�lise Parent a expliqué que le fait d'avoir eu plusieurs partenaires sexuelles féminines se traduit peut-être par une fréquence d'éjaculations plus élevées, dont l'effet protecteur contre le cancer de la prostate a été observé précédemment dans des études de cohorte. Les données recueillies indiquent qu'avoir déjà eu un seul partenaire masculin n'influence pas le risque de cancer de la prostate, comparativement aux hommes qui n'ont jamais eu de relation sexuelle avec un homme. Par contre, ceux qui ont fréquenté plus de 20 hommes courraient deux fois plus de risque d'être atteints d'un cancer de la prostate tous types confondus, comparativement à ceux n'ayant jamais fréquenté d'hommes. Et leur risque d'avoir un cancer de la prostate moins agressif augmenterait de 500%, comparativement à ceux n'ayant eu qu'un seul partenaire masculin. Les chercheures Marie-Claude Rousseau et Andrea Spence ont aussi participé à cette étude, dont les conclusions sont publiées dans la revue Cancer Epidemiology. Toutes trois sont rattachées à l'INRS - Institut Armand-Frappier, de Laval.
  12. Just as sex workers are shamed by society, so are the clients who see them. It's time to tell my side of the story TONY CALVIN Tony Calvin is the pen name for an engineer living in Silicon Valley. http://www.salon.com/2014/10/20/why_i_visit_prostitutes/
  13. They do have one now http://www.stilettogirls.ca
  14. Attempt 2 at soap making; purple clay and orange colouring swirled in.
  15. If you click on "services" on the website, i'm sure you'll figure it out ...
  16. Besides, and as skates mentioned, they're only parties where people have a tremendous amount of fun socializing over food and drinks.
  17. it stopped raining here earlier, we had sun, now its ice pellets by the truck load in Montreal
  18. Hello Everyone! Following's Loneskater's Ottawa Social Poll, and after mucho debate (not really, but it does sound rather important doesn't it?) i'm proud to announce that the Ottawa Christmas party will be held on December 4th 2014. I did promise we'd get the date out within 48 hours yesterday for all our out-of-Ottawa friends that need to make plans ahead of time to spend much appreciated time with all of us. So here you have it! Mark your calendars .. and further details will come A.S.A.P. Edit: Of note, this time around, we'll be in the west end of town.
  19. Just a quick note ; for everyone that has commented so far, thank you! It's useful for Loneskater and I to have your feedback. We are working on a few details right now and we expect to provide more details within the next 2 days.
  20. My canning "experiment" from last night worked well, meaning i have now several mason jars all sealed up filled with apple butter. And while enjoying the nice weather here in Montreal, i stumbled on several friends from town and from Ottawa here on St-Catherine street. Oh, and i made some new friends too.
  21. The bill is still in process in parliament, so it's not quite possible to challenge a Bill that's not an Act yet (modified, re-written, voted on in the House and Senate and signed by the Governor General, which makes a Bill officially an Act). I haven't heard of any bills being challenged before coming out of Parliament.
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