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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. Thanks! I'm glad you got back to me and I'll look into those links. I really don't have a problem with it. Just curious about why that could be an issue.
  2. GentMada, could you PM me that info as well?
  3. Hello there, I just wanted to get your people's thoughts on the reluctance of multiple companions to socialize with black people. I understand that it may just be personal preferences and I have no problem with that. But I've noticed that on some sites there is quite a few of those which makes me wonder if there might be an underlying problem that I'm not aware of. Let me know what you think/know. Cheers!
  4. Hello there, So I'm relatively new here. Even though I made an account a while back, I've been busy and so haven't had the chance to use it. I'm also pretty new at this companionship business and would like to know if there are any recommendations to help with my 'initiation' for lack of a better word. I'm interested in someone that could provide a nice massage (I've probably needed that for a few years) and with whom I could lay back and relax for a bit before things get more intimate. I know the description might not be very helpful but alas, as of now, I'm not sure I can narrow it down further. If you know a companion that would be great for newbies please let me know!
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