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About Bignaturals

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  1. So the ad is on BP again today. Still says 335 Henderson, but no one is answering. Any chance someone can pm me a new number? I realize I'm new, so...
  2. Hi all, new to the board and to Winnipeg (this is my second post). Anyway, based on this thread, I've been thinking of avoiding this place, but I decided to give it a try anyway. Went with Kelsea and I agree with the others that she is great! I'm definitely not sure about trying any of the other attendants, but I might go back at some point and will likely visit Kelsea again. I'll let you know!
  3. Hi all, new to the board and to Winnipeg. Been reading this thread and wanting to try this place. I noticed that they ran an add as recently as Tuesday with the Henderson address and phone number. Tried calling yesterday, but no answer. Just tried again and still no answer. I guess that is not their number anymore? It's frustrating! I'm surprised they've been texting people though. I wouldn't want them to do that!
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