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Miss Elizabeth

Verified Independent
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About Miss Elizabeth

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  1. Ice cream :) Sunbathing on a nudist beach or skydiving?
  2. Hello! my Twitter link doesn't seem to appear on my profile. I wrote the full url address and then just my @username but both options don't work. Have I done something wrong? xo Elizabeth
  3. Hello Nicolette, thank you for the recommendations! I was dying to take pictures in a bath tub overlooking the city for so long. I finally found it thanks to you! :) Enjoy your week-end, Elizabeth
  4. Hello Jersey, indeed travelling is my bigger passion. I did travel quite a lot in the past year. I didn't have the chance the update my portfolio while overseas since I was invited by some special gentlemen and couldn't sneak off :) For me, it's more convenient to plan shoots in my hometown with photographers I already know to ensure the best results. Kisses, Elizabeth
  5. Hello everyone, This is my first post :) I would like to update my current portfolio. I am looking for a special location, something that is different from what we already see. Any recommendation for an original, upscale location in the Montreal area would be helpful. Warmest, Elizabeth :)
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