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Everything posted by ricknotdeadyet

  1. > my honest opinion would be to check out Hannah Star. Be careful, you'll fall in love with her :)
  2. I like'm nekkid I can't forget the time my favorite SP answered the door in her b-day suit.
  3. Thanks all for your replies. They've been helpful and some spot-on. Love might be one of the emotions I'm feeling and perhaps also a fantasy of rescuing the poor girl - my logical half understands this and is able to deal with these feelings. I think my emotional half also understands so I'm ok with these feelings. Being fresh out of a 28-year marriage my goal was to rediscover my sexuality and what it is to be a man and I think she's been a great help, so there's feelings of gratitude mixed in there too. I think it's all good so far.
  4. Thanks - she certainly is a gem but I guess they all are :) And I certainly hope I don't come off as creepy and clingy - I realize what her end of the deal is.
  5. Tell me it's normal... to fall for your first sp. I know I should perhaps broaden my experiences but the few times I've seen her she's been all I need. Just another stupid old man I guess.
  6. Same situation as you - 28 years since last summer. And no, I sure as heck don't, especially after coming back from a visit to one of the lovelys here :)
  7. I too am (was) a newbie and had my first experience just a little while ago with one of the recommended lovely ladies here. I actually went back for a total of 3 times so far and intend to go back several more times with her - she's really what I was looking for. Read up a bit on etiquette and what is expected of you, treat her with respect, and you will have a very good experience.
  8. Newbie here. I was here about a month ago in lurk mode looking for a 'petit' sp that was first-time friendly. Have since forgotten her name but she was popular and highly recommended. Someone under 5'5".. Been searching thread for the past 40 minutes but no luck. Can somebody help me out?
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