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Fresh start

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Everything posted by Fresh start

  1. The porta potty remains me when I was on a job sight. We were excavating and found an old septic tank full. The Forman was a real dick always yelling and screaming well karma a bitch when it comes around. The experienced excavator operator told be to get way back he closed all his windows and as he broke the top of the septic tank lift a huge slap of cement dropped it into the full tank making a huge splash and covered the Forman in shit. Needless to say we didn't hear him much of him for the rest of the day. Epic response from the operator was sorry shit happens.
  2. With the warm weather starting and snow melting I have a craving for a good old fashioned marinated BBQ steak hmm.
  3. I was wondering how many guys buy the ladies gift? Do you buy them something even on your first visit or only your favourite? What do you buy them? Do you only buy gifts from their wish list or do you try to buy them something more personal or sentimental? Maybe it just something small. Ladies what do you like to receive. Is your wish list the only things you want, or are they just practical ideas? Before I came to cerb I had made a really nice sp and saw her quite frequently. I always left her a tip but sometime brought something a little extra. I bought flowers on an occasion and one time I remember she had a craving for something and when the call was finished I ran to the store an got it for her. The smile and astonishment of when I brought it to her was priceless. Close to Christmas I had got her a gift certificate for a new pair of dress boots since she had mentioned she needed a new wardrobe hence her schooling was almost over and needed it for her new job. I've brought chocolate to another lady once but was hesitant cause wasn't sure if she had allergies so I had to ask prior kinda spoiled the surprise. How about you ma or mp do you receive gifts on occasion?
  4. Hehe, yup puppies aren't they so much fun. They may be cute and look innocent but behind your back they are little hell-raisers. I have 3 dogs and got them all when a puppy. Couch got chewed and ruined don't know what with cotton but they love playing with it. Shoe ruined and other furniture. One chewed my brand new eye glasses the lenses were finished. One ate my wallet including my card in it credit/debit id ect... Even got into my lunch box which contained at the time cold/flu tablets that cost a nice bill at the vet. I've had one jump up on kitchen table to eat food keep in mind he is a dachshund (wiener) dog how the hell did he jump so high beyond me. Found on in the giant bag of kibbles all I saw was a tail sticking out. Potty training is really hard thank god I don't have carpet. Oh almost forgot one nearly chewed a hole in the wall to get out. Then when you give them crap they want so suck up and cuddle and you can't stay mad at them. But they bring me joy at the end of the day.
  5. Depending on the type of glue your only option may be to cut it and scrap from underneath. It can be long and tough job if he used an epoxy type glue. Once the carpet is removed you may have to buff the cement with a carbide buffer. (To smooth the surface again) If you do the sell amazing finishes to put on the cement that are durable and very appealing.
  6. When friend or family member only calls when they need a favour. Being the nice guy I am help them out and don't hear from them until the next favour they need. Well that's it, I've had it find some other shmuck to help you out.
  7. I just tell my wife I have a cure for the chronic headaches you get when I ask for sex. Ill be back later.
  8. I had the pleasure of meeting Talia, for my first time visit to a massage parlour and I really enjoyed her company. She told me she was new but she definitely knew what she was doing. She made me feel at ease and made sure I was comfortable. I must say she has an astonishing smile and absolutely some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I left relaxed, and glad I went. I would repeat in a heartbeat.
  9. I'm by no means an expert at getting through grieving, but I've lost a lot in my life even at my young age. So I've spent years grieving various loss after loss. What is harder is to watch someone you love suffer until they are gone. I do not believe anyone ever gets over it they only learn to cope and as time passes the pain goes with it. It's still there and resurfaces from time to time. What I find helps me is not to think about the loss try to remember the good times even thought it is hard. For me as simple and strange it may sound but feeling loved helps tremendous. One of the reason I started this hobby. Also exercise helps a lot, for me I concentrate on the exercise I'm doing and when you do a good workout it your body sends good endorphin to the brain and help relief the pain and its good for you. One thing I've learned the hard way is I used to shut out my emotion, even though it help get through its like a bomb waiting to go off. I held so much back and inside that one day it was too much to Bare and when it came out, everything came out even stuff from way back that I had forgotten came out as well. When there is too much grief and pain it doesn't take long until that emotional pain effect you physically. So the best thing you can do is figure out what you need and try to hold on. If you wanna talk, talk to someone. If you been a friend, call a friend ect. You will still grieve but at least you will have something to help.
  10. Reading old dogs thread got me thinking if men like it when woman are well groomed down there, how about for us men? Ladies what do you think men should do? Men what is your experience? I'll admit from the waist down got my fair share of hair. So from time to time I trim it, just to keep it short. I find hygienically its better especially once you start to sweet. Only around my manhood. I've shaved it all off a few time but damn it itches when It grows a bit. Not to mention in groaned hair omg that can be painful. Shaving it all can take some skill. I won't shave the balls, I'll trim it but not use a razor. Did it once cut it and omg not a place to have a small cut on. I suppose waxing may be an option but I hear that can make a groaned man cry.
  11. I must say seeing the kindness in people's heart it really touch's me, and I get to see the inner beauty in people. I'm so glad I saw this post, I also love animals. Thank joyfulC, you are a very caring person.
  12. I've only been a member for a few months, at first I joined to find a sp, but found myself finding much more. (Save that for another thread) I'm on almost everyday, multiple times. I can't get enough of some of the interesting threads out there. When I feel connected to some I post. I'm on it at work, whenever I can't sleep which seem to be often. I even log in early in the morning before I get out of bed. Like passionvitto when I see a notification go I get excited to see what it is. Although I use my phone and don't have chat with it, may be a good thing cause that may get addicting. Whether this is just a phase cause I'm new or maybe I'll be on for years to come I sure am glad I did. It's been such a positive thing in what seem like a negative time in my life.
  13. What if they like it too much and decide to take a bite! Lol
  14. I always enjoy cuddling before and after sex even in between when my partner needs a break or to recover. I will admit after orgasm chatting all usually depends sometime I need to catch my breath or a drink of water before I pass out lol. To be honest cuddling is what make sex enjoyable for me it bring it to a whole new level of intimacy for me. It's like an orgasm in the body, its so soothing and relaxing and if its someone special I get tingling feeling in my body and its amazing. When this happen I rarely talk and just cherish the moment.
  15. I thought it would be interesting to see what people find attractive at first sight. Lets face how many times have you walk by someone and you thought they were hot. What did you like physically about them? I thought this would be interesting cause men tend to appeal more to physical appearance than woman do. Lets keep in mind this is just first glance and you don't know them just looks. So picture you're dream girl or guy and what would they look like, or just pick a few feat you like. It could be anything. For me I love woman eyes and smiles to me those 2 thing can be so hot. Since physical appearance is only skin deep and true beauty come from inside what feat do you find attractive that is non physical. For me a sense of humour and kindness this can completely change my attraction to them. So what does everyone else find attractive?
  16. Fresh start


    Such beautiful and kissable lips
  17. I do not know about everyone else, but I can say I do need love. Do not ask me why I do not know, for there are times when I need it to survive. When I feel loved it not only calm and relieves the sorrows I carry but it help my self esteem and restore my will to live. When I'm down and depressed is when I need it the most, it help's keep suicidal thought away restoring my will to live. You see I suffer from depression and love is what I seek to thwart off all my sorrows. Whether it is real or not as long as I feel loved it helps. So maybe love is my drug, but I choose this over the alternatives. The positive feeling of being held has tremendous healing power over me. I cannot explain it nor do I know why? Maybe cause I was not loved as a baby or child? I do not know. I would like to thank those who provide such services, to me it is so much more than an intimate time or sexual desire, real or not it heals. Maybe someday I'll be better and no longer need it but ill always want it. Please do not be concerned and get the idea that I am at risk of suicide. I may have the desire In times of despair but am in complete control over my actions and do have professional help.
  18. I got 3 small dog and I swear when they sleep with me they take up so much room. One of them has to sleep by my feet under the same blanket and she curls herself in it taking most of the blanket not to mention I can no longer move my legs freely without have to move her. I have another who like to sleep beside me sometimes up against me which can be difficult cause I so scared to roll over and squish the little thing. She also love to dig her head in the weirdest places, she'll stick it in my armpit, in between my legs under my neck, wherever its warm she'll stick it there. If she can't jump on the bed cause of a blanket or because she is to lazy she wine and start to talk and tell me to pick her the f up. In the morning if I hint to them I'm awake make a noise I'm screwed they come out of the blankets and smother me with kisses and the feeling of a wet slimy little tongue in my nose is gross. But what can I say I love me pets they keep me company and I don't have to worry about them hurting me like most people. They are a true friend.
  19. I personally don't pay much attention to the tittle unless its got something catchy or something I have no clue what they are talking about so I'll read the add or post. To be honest explicit term don't really appeal to me. As for the add, just be honest and be yourself. I have to admit I do like it when someone take time and writes them in an interesting way, and if you make me smile you will really stand out in my books.
  20. Why is it when things start looking up there always something to bring you back down?
  21. I think it's psychological in your mind you just feel like touching her boobies lol just kidding I've had the same problem I've tried zooming out a bit on my iphone and I give me enough room to click.
  22. Hop in the shower to get ready for work start with washing hair water turn cold, still got to rinse and wash myself I cold water. Then I have to shave with cold water. Find out my hot water tank is broken. Go to store to get a new have to wait until they deliver cause they don't keep the in stock wtf. Now I have no water until the weekend ggrrrrr!
  23. I have to admit I'm not experiencing hair loss or colour still a little young for that but I can tell that my body heal slower and aches and pain due to abusing my body at work or in sport are catching up on me. Also getting drunk and felling fine the next morning forget it I now know what hangovers fell like uugh what a horrible feeling. No more drinking the night before work.
  24. Spring definitely start to trigger horniness. I would like to take a moment and talk about a serious medical condition which can cause serious injury and in rate cases death. This medical problem is called HWHS (horny when hot syndrome) some of you may be laughing right know but it is serious as the body temperature rise the layer ad clothes seem to disappearing which has a serious impact on those who suffer from HWHS. The following scenarios are not fictional and a real people. So please do not try this at home they were all trained professional dumb ass's. luckily in the following scenarios no one got seriously hurt, well maybe their pride. So things to avoid. Rules 1 when waking keep you're eyes in front and not veered to the side to check out the woman in short skirts. Consequences may vary but for this instance it was a light that he walked into cause severe laughter and humiliation. 2 do not pass gas in an elevator? When all off a sudden elevator stop and the secretary we would fantasize about walk in with a few extra button undone. 3 when playing football keep your eyes of the giggling cheerleaders. Cause that 275 pound guy you forgot will blow any chances of getting lucky for the foreseeable weeks to come as you recuperate from concussion. 4 when doing any sort of martial art stay focus ignore the women who can bend in ways you can only dream of cause you will not seen that kick in the ribs you just received. Construction workers are particularly at risk for these 5 when hammering keep eyes on you object you are hitting cause hit a thumb hurts like hell when staring at the girl not wearing a bra. This goes for when using a sledge hammer especially if someone else is holding the object. 6 this one is critical do not attempt to work near a college gym class full off hot sweating woman doing yoga. Cause that window that you didn't install before lunch. You can lean on an empty frame and fall through look like a dumbass. 6.1 this is similar do not try and lift a window when partner is staring at bouncing boobs you may pull you're back. 7 my favourite almost fell off roof laughing to hard. while on a swing stage do not assume the windows are tinted and that woman in her office in actual fact she can see you pissing in a bucket. 8 yoga pants are a deadly on while staring to long at the derrière of them to long ma cause fantasies and when that person turn around you realize you're related to that person or worse it could be your mother. 9 this is a classic do not lean or you're chair to find out what colour of panty she's wearing under that skirt cause when you fall of your chair everyone know what you were doing. 10 when warring tight jean be sure your zipper is up cause someone else is happy to stare. I've witnessed all of these and ashamed to have falling victim of maybe one or two. Ok that last on maybe from a tv commercial but it can happen. My point is this is all due to HWHS and serious injury can occur. I think we have a duty to fix this and my solution is all woman should dress hotter this way we are a custom to see this and we build an immunity to HWHS. Ok maybe I didn't think with the right head on that one but we may have an epidemic on our hands.
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