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Fresh start

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Everything posted by Fresh start

  1. There are many passionate and proud providers, that post here. So perhaps you can help me. Now when I here the term "street worker" I envision a desperate, poor, un bathed woman who will do almost anything for cash. I've never been with a "street worker" and quite honestly only ever noticed one once when she tried to solicit me. Thus this is were the image come to mind. I know it's not a good image and I'm not here to offend people, but I'm sure their are others who don't have an accurate vision of a "street worker" If laws on "street worker" were to change society would have to change their perception of them. What make them different or the same as any other sex worker? I have an open mind and being someone who does his best to respect other, I can assume that as persons they are equals and are no worse or better than anyone else.
  2. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, second guessing our every move. Perhaps it just our minds trying to rationalize the situation. I know I've been guilty of this quite often. But I try not to worry about things I don't have control over. There are plenty of other things to get stressed out by.
  3. Not even 1 hours after posting my resume online I've already got 2 calls.
  4. This is actual what they currently do in my municipality. Although it's only a 10-15 difference per animal. Although not everyone registers their pets.
  5. Meet a wonderful and beautiful lady this morning. The best way to start a day. No need for caffeine this morning!
  6. I'm not sure if making it illegal to abandon a cat would help. Don't get me wrong I think it should be illegal to abandon an animal. I just think it is something that is to hard to prove. They would have to be caught in the act. I used to live just outside the city where it was almost like in the country. Dirt roads trees and bushes all over neighbour were far further away. In the back of the house was a small forest where we often walked in. On the other side of it was a dirt road with no houses in sight. This for some reason a**hole would abandon their cat and even dogs. One time I was behind a vehicle who threw a bag out his window while driving. So we stop to see what it was and it was a bag with 4 kittens in it. Unfortunately it was to late and dark that the vehicle got away without us being able to ID it. We took them home and found homes for them. I think all animals should be fixed or neutered unless you are planing on breeding it, and are responsible of those babies. Perhaps a permit to own an animal that isn't fixed should be required. As for leaving dogs tied up for extended periods of time outside. If the dogs is in any sort of distress, without food or water, extreme weather or neglected then yes. If its a dog that likes to stay outside and even sleep outside and feed and has water then I don't see a problem. (I had an old German Shepard/lab mix who preferred being outside and would sleep under the deck. It was a stray that we picked up so perhaps the dog grew accustom to it. The only time he would want to stay in was when it started getting cold or if it was raining.
  7. So I was listening to the radio On my way to work and they were asking callers what they thought was the friendliest city. I haven't the chance to travel much so what do you think is the friendliest city in Canada?
  8. 1 hour= 3600 Mississippi give or take a few depending how fast you count or breath in between. IMO 1 hour should be 1 hour but it does include shower time, but should only take a few minutes.
  9. My little guy has learned the art of foreplay. Its so funny, my male dog will go to my other 2 females and start licking their ears and then he starts sucking on them and he will do this for a good 10-15 minutes. Then he get all excited and tries to mount them lol! So today after work I was tired and lying on the couch trying to take a nap, when of course my little guy stick his noise in my face and start licking where he ends up licking my ear and then he started sucking on it. Well that's it I'm stopping him right there.
  10. I decided to let go and get rid of some unused things. I figured to turn a negative into a positive by giving these item away to people who needed them rather than selling it. Among the items there was a babies crib, well to my surprise there were a lot of responses of people in desperate need. Even thought I'm glad I gave it to someone in need, I can't help feel bad for some of the others I had to turn down, since it was already gone. So instead of feeling good about this good dead its sad that there are so many others who have difficulties and cannot afford many things for their children.
  11. I've seen the statement in ads before (low volume) and wondered if it matters to some because I've never thought of it before. Sometimes I've wondered if it subconscious to the writer? I don't care if they are high or low volume as long as it doesn't effect the quality of our time and second the lady should feel comfortable with herself on the amount of people she see. Unfortunately society has their own stigma on the issue of volume of a person sexual encounter. I've never had this problem but I suppose a woman who is of low volume may have a harder time booking due too demand or scheduling availability but then again same is possible the other way. Also what is considered low or high?
  12. Maybe next time he will have a hands free device and get a blow job instead.
  13. I usually have a Christmas Eve family gathering, but this year it a quiet year. Most likely spending it alone, so I'll figure something out. Perhaps a movie or I'll go out for dinner, gonna play it by ear.
  14. I'm wondering I absolutely love the whole ma experience for being sensually touched and cuddling. For me its an emotional experience. Even though I don't release that often, I'm wondering do ladies feel bad or offended if a client doesn't release?
  15. I think people should grow up seriously wether you believe in it or not wishing someone merry Christmas or happy holidays. They should take it as the sentiment it's the thoughts that counts. To get offended for something so petty is ridiculous. Merry Christmas everyone!
  16. I'm a sucker for almost any charity, when someone's out collecting or fundraising for certain things if I can spare I do. Although this is the time of year were I remember someone close who passed away. She gave the greatest gift, the gift of life and this is what I remind her kids. She was an organ donor and although she is gone there is a part of her in a few lucky people to receive some of her organs. This is something we can almost all give if we pass away. So why not give someone a second chance, it cost nothing.
  17. Wishing to trade places with realnicehat would be more selfish, in fact cruel lol. my wish would be that everyone wish come true on Christmas. The best gift you can give someone is the one that makes them smile.
  18. As someone who lives on the Quebec side and commutes almost everyday to various location around. Miss vitto is correct hull is just across the bridge. There are several bridges that one can take depending where you are coming from. Also like vitto said gatineau is different with only a few ways in, traffic is bad during peak hours. Same thing if you consider aylmer. I don't think traffic in hull is as nearly as bad as dt ottawa.
  19. Spud, I've been down a few times to the point where I thought I had nothing to live for. It may seem that way now but things do get better. Like others have said there are people on here that have help me I'm sure there are some for you too. Remember your down now so there only one way to go up. Best of luck to you. Oh and there is no shame reaching out to people and like Porthos said professionals can be godsend.
  20. I can't say I remember getting it since I was too young, but I do remember being inseparable from my orange dog teddy bear. Too this day I still have it kept as a souvenir.
  21. I've spent most of my life alone, as in few friends a lot of alone time. Where I could loose myself in my thought. I would often zone out and retreat into daydreaming to block whatever around me was happening. I grew so accustom to it that as I grew older it followed me. I would get bored off I went into my mind a safe place. It made hours feel like minutes. As an adult I would often find myself needing some down or alone time. Still today I need it. Although my problem now is to much alone time isn't good. I begin to feel the loneliness, and I've come to learn and realize that for me loneliness effects me mentally. I begin to feel like an outcast, and plays a huge part on my self esteem. I begin to feel no good, useless, unwanted and un loved. Now I know logically its untrue but a part of me feels this. Unfortunately feeling is stronger than logic for me. I begin to get overwhelmed to the point where It triggers my depression to worsen. Luckily I've found the healing power of touch and affection which cerb has provided me with my temporary cure. I must say I never new how great a hug can be and how it can flush away my loneliness. So in the end I prefer a healthy balance of the two.
  22. Oh shit! I almost crashed, while driving! Got distracted by some lady flashing her boob at me from a window! Lol ;) ;)
  23. Been having serious back pain for the last week, with bad spasms. So I decide heck why not try an inversion table. Well I went to the store tried one out and well almost instant relief while on it. So I buy one set it up, ready to go. Well oh shit I must of mis adjusted it cause I flew back upside down in the air stuck. Then as I'm trying to bring myself back up my dogs see me hanging there at their level. Well I was a sitting duck they came charging and started licking my face. Their small tongue getting in my noise and ears and I can't stop them hanging upside down. Well I eventually get up with a head rush.
  24. I say this now, but omg I don't know if I could live without my painkillers. My back hurts so much right I can barely move.
  25. I would love to see a SP vs Ma in oil wrestling match! Oh oops misinterpreted the title. (Jk) I've seen both, and in my opinion both may have similarities in a session but both should not be compared, they are two different things. They way I look at it is an Ma specialty is sensuality. There to tease and seduce until the very end. It's a very intimate but at the same time it has its limits and boundaries. (Fs is not an option along with other depending on the lady and place) respect them. Now it doesn't mean an Sp cannot provide the same experience, there are Sp that are very sensual. Although Sp usually provide a wider variety of service which means they don't specialize in one area. Some ma be just as good as an Ma some may not, assuming your only comparing the same services they provide. Keeping in mind this is through my experience only. Perhaps I've seen some awesome Sp or some naughty Ma;) that my experiences are to great and my comparison of the two are way off. I seek an Ma when I really need affection and sensuality because I'm sure I'll get it, and that all I want. When I want a Fs I'll go to a Sp where I do sometime get the same amount of affection and sensuality but not all the time, but that ok cause I wasn't looking for it. They each have their own purpose to me and there may be similarities but in the end you cannot compare apples and oranges. But you can compare boobies;) lol
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