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Kilt Boy

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Everything posted by Kilt Boy

  1. Here is a link to my first encounter with Nikki. It still holds true. All the other girls squealed at her and welcomed her to our table. That's a good sign, right?
  2. I hadn't seen Trina for a month, what with her later schedule. She was rreally glad to see me and showed me in so many ways. She's a special girl, for sure. It's been years since I last saw Nikki, and that was at Barb's. She plans to be more of a regular on Thursday and Friday. I didn't have anything left for her today, but reconnected so we can make better plans in the future. She is just a load of fun, and is in really trim shape.
  3. I make my own, and the cost is about fifty cents a cup. The raw materials aren't difficult to source, but you have to know what you're looking for. I may be offering this as a product in my store soon once I have it all figured out. I'm still playing with amounts.
  4. Here's a short video made by a guy I met in the strip club last week. The ending is kind of transparent, but it was a fun little film with some good editing and acting.
  5. Note: there is a time limit on editing your posts.
  6. Is this the state of pornography now? Watching your favourite sex star pick toppings off her pizza while topless? https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57a7e59466270
  7. Dance Dance Revolution
  8. For those who watch The Flash, here is a quick peek at Barry Allen's daughter: Jessica Parker Kennedy (from Decoys 2: Alien Seduction).
  9. I saw Sophia on stage yesterday as well. There were only 3 girls in the place at any time, so they were kept pretty busy. She went from regular customer to stage show and back to another regular customer without a breath in between.
  10. "Oh, my god. You're gorgeous! You're what a man should look like." Wow. That seemed a bit over the top, but I'll take it.
  11. I just spent some quality time with a great gal named Jessica. She's medium height and has a cute blonde bob-cut. She has only been back dancing for a couple of weeks and is a very friendly girl. You all know how shy I am. She took matters into her own hands to make me feel welcome. It was very pleasant.
  12. I had a great time with Alex again, as usual. Met a new girl who i troduced herself as Naughty Nicky. The name was right on the button. She is planning to be a regulat early evening girl M-F. Very friendly. Very. Like REALLY very friendly.
  13. "A windstorm came just the other day BLUE the box that that was for recycling away." - apologies to George Thorogood
  14. Heart-shaped nipple covers. For a friend.
  15. When I was dancing 30+ years ago, we were fucking ROCK STARS! Now, I don't even know where the nearest club is. At least there is still some small semblance of life left in the titty bars. I still pour money into them, but the number who do is diminishing. That's why the regulars who have my number hound me to come to the clubs and spend on them.
  16. I saw Alex on Friday. She took a month of vacation and just got back! We spent some time getting to know each other again and she was all smiles, as usual. I've seen Sophia, but not as much.
  17. Wow. That' a shit ton of posts for someone who just joined. Slow down, buddy.
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