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Claire Heavens

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Everything posted by Claire Heavens

  1. That's Riiiiight.......I Made COOKIES ;) Come, taste my sweet treat! Available to play FRIDAY 330PM-11PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option :icon_wink:, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (My Fave!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  2. That was kinda my point or my question anyway...... like if you choose NOT to celebrate Valentines day because it feels forced.....what about christmas? do you not buy people gifts and send out cards.....just cause....its kinda been marketed out that way and embedded into your brain that, thats just what we do.....? And dont too many people wear green and drink oddly coloured drinks and get drunk on st. patricks day? and wear red and white on xmas and say hoe- hoe- hoe and give and get too much? and even go as far as putting up a tree in their house!?! Or do people just have a genuine resentment towards the day of heart shaped boxes filled with over priced -cheaply made- plasticy tasting- but given with love- chocolates? Valentines Day isnt about YOU. It's about somebody else. anybody else. a day of selflessness. Not Petty pitty. All cheesyness aside, forget all the gimicks and cliches and hand picked roses- and ignore your inner defiant- tough guy(or chick!)- anti-commercialization type stand (unless it's fair and you disregard them (holidays) all the same.....) but why not make this day a day where you make someone else feel good? regarded. special. noticed. Especially, if you are lucky enough to have the good feelings of a heart filled with Valentines everyday, Share it. In an easy way. a free way. a hidden path straight to the heart of any stranger, Make Valentines day your "consciously compliment someone day" or a pay it forward type day. hold a door open. leave a larger then usual tip. offer a ride. make THAT phone call. forgive yourself for something. tell someone a secret. go back to cheesy- write an anonymous love note.....even if its to yourself and all the things you wanna hear......;) Valentine's day is about Love (siblings-parents-busdrivers-the lady who makes my cafe!- friendship-kindness- happiness- goofiness- showing appreciation- acknowledging other peoples year round thoughtfulness. Cum on now.....wheres the love?! ;) Okay it appears as tho Im taking this a lil bit too seriously- Okay a lot-a bit. ;) I'm Learning I apparently feel slightly defensive for valentines day. its bittersweet- but I gotta go with cupid, man! A millions XO's ;) Muah!
  3. So I have now typed out THREE very long messages to post in here.....and lost them ALL. GRRRR. Now I am bitter!!! Valentines day can go to Hell. Haha. Just Kidding! ish. Okay Well I am just gonna get to the point then........Eventually......When I find it. I have just realized- Clearly not quickly enough..... that um, I dont think I should have posted a thread regarding LOVE on a Sexxxy ESCORT Site......My Brainless moment. I blame Wal-mart. HAHA. I went in there. I was Brainwashed with endless aisles of two-toned -glittery- eye catching crap. I went in there. I saw RED. I saw PINK. I saw Teddybears, and regret-filled-cheap engagement rings. hahaha. VOMIT. I Think it's kinda Funny or at least interesting anyway- that so many people LOVE to HATE (Bitter)Sweet Saint Valentines DAY. The blame put on the Hallmarkism of it all. Will you fall victim to Cupids Contagious C.... Let me get this right...... C-O-.... oh yeah, COMMERCIALISM.....? this Over-Sensationalized-Seemingly Mandatory- Mushy- Slight possibilty of Coerced Premature Confessions of love...... Seriously? All that from a $5 cheesy card, and Waxy shit tasting chocolate (Con)sealed in a Heart shaped Box? I think the Defiance used against giving into the stupidity love leaks is Deeper than the Candy Dish, ya kno? ;) If ya take a closer look.....ALL Holidays are Drowning in Commercialism. When it comes to Christmas- that holiday is milked for all its worth. Valentines day is supposed to be a slightly religious, and a obviously romantic rip...I mean holiday. Christmas is Religious, traditional, and Magical- ( ya thats right- SANTA knows everything!) So.....Is it really the Walmartism behind it all? Or.....Do you have a grudge on my Guy, Cupid? ;) ANYWAY. Happy V Day ;) However, and IF ever, you'll decide to Celebrate! Whether you're SINGLE OR STUCK, or YA STAYED OR STRAYED...... YOU must CUM and PLAY ON! Muah! XoXoXo Roar!
  4. OUCH. I feel your pain FrenchBrute :( I too- have a one time experience of a Valentines day break up. Some People are just Brainless. And Heartless. Everything happens for a reason. And we all Kiss Karma eventually ;) But Dont be bitter with Valentines day- be bitter with Miss Insensitive!! XoXoXo
  5. I have a SEXY little crush on Brand Spanking New -ASStonishing Jennie- another piece of Paradise ;) BONUS.....She has wigs.....ya can try Your Jennie of the week.... ;) ROAR! XoXoXo
  6. Ever hear of the mans Valentines day? Steak and Blowjob day. haha. hmm- I thought that was called Wednesday. or Friday. or as RG said the other '364 days of the year' hehe ;) just kidding......Nobody can be that in love! ;) Awww. Okay- well here is my honest-to-badness opinion on V-day...... I Admit I definitely like the Idea of all the Heart Shaped Packages and even some of the Gag Worthy Romanticism - But overall I think that Valentines Day is More Recognized by Sexxxy Singles on the Prowl- Or very Newly Aquainted Couples...... I'm just sayin'- I think that Vagina Worshipping Day- oops- wrong V....Valentines Day is ALL about the chase. Ohhh Baby....I say "chase on" ;) XoXoXo
  7. So Malika..... All I have to do is dye my hair blue? ;) Muah! My bucket list...... Hold on Hef! ;)
  8. Oh BitterSweet Valentine's day. ;) What have your past experiences been on this day? Over the top given or recieved expressions of love and romance? or was it an unrecognized ordinary day? Shhh....it's that time again...Cupids arrow is in the air! ANY plans this year? Pleeease Tell Me ;) ha! Muah! XoXoXo Cupid is on my body all of the time ;) over my heart in fact ;) ROAR!
  9. Available to play SATURDAY 4PM-9PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option :icon_wink:, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (My Fave!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  10. Guess who's Super Exxxcited that it's Saturday? :) mmm I Sure am! And....I know you will be too! Saturday is Thee SEXIEST day of them all - Come & Sexify it with me :icon_wink: Hear me ROAR this SATURDAY 9AM-3PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option :icon_wink:, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (My Fave!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  11. PLAY HARD! Fridays Drive me WILD! :icon_wink: Let's RELAXXX in the HOT TUB TOGETHER :icon_wink: Come PLAY! FRIDAY 330PM-11PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option :icon_wink:, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (My Fave!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  12. I would be Lollipop Bradley. Hilarious. or my cat now and teen years house street name- Kittannah Lacroix. Oh and if I were to change my cerb name.....I LOVE the name Sunshine. ;)
  13. M&M'S of course! MMM MMM YUMMY! ;) Want some....? :icon_wink: Come PLAY! WEDNESDAY 9AM-4:30PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option :wink:, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (My Fave!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  14. Im a Fantasy thief. I try to envision my own- but they usually end up as recreations of the things I've seen....or done already. But in answer to your question- I think that most people are very likely to withhold info or details of their fantasy when sharing. Like if they say "talk dirty to me" maybe they are too embarrassed or whatever- to say "call me names- These names...." etc. I also think fantasy sharing is like telling someone about a dream you had......even when you are sharing the details- it lacks the emotions felt. fantasy/dreams are 90% emotion (made up percentage btw ;)) a scary dream recounted outloud- sounds silly. a fantasy you share outside of your head- sounds incomplete or bizzarre- because of the lack of reasoning behind it- the emotional side of it all. And yes of course I think the type of desires and fantasies we have are totally dependent on our childhoods/lifestyle/and inner-self awareness and honesty. blah blah blah. now let's get it on- no questions asked! haha ;) Muah! XoXoXo
  15. I guess by the lack of response- the loud answer is.....you will just have to have a really great time here in Ottawa instead. Hahaha. The girls here are your vegas baby! Muah! Xo
  16. You are riiiiiight ;) I was blasting Aladdins song, when I was like- is it just me or... is getting HOT in here? Hahaha. p.s. I want more disney pixxx......Ariel looks good in her boobs......ROAR! ;) XoXoXo
  17. I'm feeling exxxtremely Frisky! :icon_wink: Come Play in the HOT tub....with me or "us".... DUO Anyone? TUESDAY 9AM-9PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option ;), Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (Another FAVE!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
  18. Congrats Penelope! Keep it real and stay sexxxy, as always! I finally just made my first non advertising thread.....and it turns out- its about advertising..... what the ooops?! hahaha. Anyway, My Hugest Congrats to you, your thoughts, your efforts and your creativity. You Gorgeous Girl! xoxoxoxoxo
  19. Also: A very good friend (and life itself) has recently taught me....... The only thing constant.... is change.
  20. I dont sleep much. and I have a reverse reaction to sleep deprivation- hyper-activity.
  21. Reading this thread makes a song pop into my head...... Look at this stuff! isnt it neat? wouldnt you think my collection's complete? haha!
  22. My Pro-Shoot was done with Gord Weber, and he will come to you, if you like ;) http://gordweber.com/ ;) My website's designer, if interested, can be reached at http://eroticemily.ca/contact.html scroll down to Contact WEBMASTER message area. Both of these recommended people have really good prices too! Goodluck ;) xoxo
  23. Reverse Massage is my Favourite.....haha! :icon_wink: Come Play SATURDAY 9AM-3PM! MindBlowing BODYSLIDES, Full Body EROTIC Massage, REVERSE Option, Total Body Exploration, Shower and HOT TUB Fun (Another FAVE!), Plus Many More SURPRISES- As Always! :icon_wink: Check Out My WEBSITE :icon_wink: http://eroticemily.ca/ CALL Paradise Spa To Book an Appointment 613-820-8887 TEXT Em Questions @ 613-899-5879 PM's will be replied to as quickly as possible.... EMILY'S SCHEDULE TUESDAY 9am-9pm. WEDNESDAY 9am-430pm FRIDAY 330pm-11PM SATURDAY 9am-3pm DOOR FEE RATES ONLY $50 FOR 30-45 MINS $80 FOR 60 MINS $75-95 FOR 45-60 MINS IN THE HOT TUB ROOM :icon_wink: *ADDITIONAL TIMES, DUOS & COUPLES MASSAGE ARE AVAILABLE* TAKE A PEEK AT MY SEXY PICTURES AND AMAZING RECOMMENDATIONS! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=60113 RECO'S http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4369 NAUGHTY PIXXX
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