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Claire Heavens

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Claire Heavens

  1. I am not tech savvy so a link is all I can do...... But Ya might enjoy this.....so click on it. lol. Drool https://www.google.ca/search?q=david+spade&client=firefox-a&hs=3wF&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=-gGoUZipM474qAHml4DABw&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=675#facrc=_&imgrc=WyoCejzpibjtAM%3A%3B9VUy_1xVqRcz6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimage.toutlecine.com%252Fphotos%252Fj%252Fo%252Fe%252Fjoe-la-crasse-2001-01-g.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.toutlecine.com%252Fimages%252Ffilm%252F0009%252F00097002-joe-la-crasse.html%3B1200%3B794
  2. Blinded by the light ..... Revved up like DEUCE?! What the?! all these years ive been singing along to it saying DOUCHE! Ooopsie.
  3. This is part of the point here too explorer.....NOT everyone loves a good bj.... or else I would say EVERYONE loves some great BDSM ;) According to Cristy (and others) it's all on the wording. So basically..... CHOOSE your words carefully ;) Like instead of saying EVERYONE or BEST OF maybe we all have to put IMHO (in my humble opinion) afterwards- to keep it less of a fact and more of an opinion ;)
  4. Next thing Ya know People will be asking to remove the recommendation section on CERB to avoid hurt feelings..... I understand the point- but its all judgement- we ALL judge and Compare and Market and have views and opinions and they can Clash...But...I wouldnt let this bother you so much- its not worth your effort or energy is it? It does not affect your position in the industry or change the ways of life on a day to day basis. Again- I say- Live and Let Live. ;)
  5. I believe in tipping the pizza delivery guy, cab drivers, the waitress, the dog groomer, the hair dresser, the esthetician etc etc. But I would NOT tip the dentist- they're expensive sadists lol.
  6. Im also Five Feet Fuck All ;) Small but Feisty ;) Roar! xoxo
  7. A man who smells delicious. And is funny. Drool worthy. P.s. Wash your hands after peeing...... Yes i can tell if you did or not! :-)
  8. Happy Birthday baby ;) Lets get NAKED. lol ;)
  9. End of Story. The real boss has spoken. Sorry for any offense Cleo- was just in good fun. Ish.
  10. Guilt is a wasted emotion. Live. let live.
  11. lol Lee, theres no cutting corners. If you dont chew gum...what will we spit across the room? ohhhhh......Im getting some new ideas here. lol. But I would embrace the tiger ice cream as a great addition ;-) Or why not bubble gum ice cream? two birds ...one stone... ya know? ;)
  12. @thegeneral- when im thru with any of these Emilys I will get to you. IF you can handle it....maybe then will you pleasure me. Deal? ;-)
  13. So I'm a lil premature on my thanks.....but it happens to the best of us ;-) Happy 100th post baby ;-) Youre a generous man, a hilarious man, a good lookin' man, and Im a greeeeedy girl so keep on writing more and sharing the women with me ;) CHEERS my lil Tail catcher ;)
  14. TheGeneral..... you seem to be out numbered...... enter at your own risk ;-) P.s. Yes I will always have some Emily in me.....whether my own Emily or another Emily.....;) Em&Em's we are just colourful tasty treats arent we?
  15. YOU are such a good girl Emily J. Taking the place of a disobedient fucking brat for her clearly overdue punishment makes me very happy. YOU deserve my attention....and my markings. But I have to admit.... taking the pain for someone else....only makes me hurt you harder. But I know you will thank me, when im finished with you. GOOD GIRL.
  16. Maybe she needs to be humiliated for her lack of response. keeping all of us waiting like this. I say we put her in a room to be spanked by us all. on Display like a piece of meat we are waiting to devour. all of us....watching....waiting...for our turn to leave our mark on her. I cant wait to see her cry. the wetter the better. Wet at Both ends please.
  17. No harm in asking. Vanilla is the key ingredient to all good things...... Neopolitan ice cream started with vanilla. Kink started with vanilla. But ya gum, deoderant, and good attitude and being yourself goes a lonnnng way. Even if yourself is a nervous one..... Soon you'll be shaking with pleasure not fear. Hehe. ROAR! :-)
  18. Sometimes....its just a matter of chewing gum. ;-) Fresh breath always gets rewarded with me ;) Slurp ;)
  19. HA. Exactly. This little girl needs to respond to the deviant thread she started. Or else- I will be luring her into some confinement. and an ass redder then hell's flames will be worn with pride. Next.....her face. So come out come out wherever you are bad girl. All sluts need training. A sub is always looking to better themselves....for the sake of someone else. Ya wanna be owned? roughed up? dominated? I call your bluff. You decide....Will you call GREEN for more ROAR or scream RED to STOP the wrath of me before I get my hands on you? ;)
  20. My toes in her mouth is a reward. She will beg to lick my feet. she will beg me to spit on her. to have a drop of my liquids....of any kind.....IS the reward. The marks she is left with is the trophy she will beam to show off. She will learn what grateful is. Her head will hang low, she will admit shes a filthy whore, and beg me to put a leash on her. Shes an animal. an untrained lil brat. C'mon lil kitten....only hands and knees for you. Now sit the fuck down and start typing back to me.
  21. I will make sure she takes it all. and she better gag. Her eyes must water. and for every thrust of your cock down her throat.....her pussy will get a lil wetter. ;) If Not..... A lil c*nt spanking will help. While she is down there.....she can suck on my toes too. and if she's done being a spoiled lil brat I will allow her to lick my pussy.
  22. Thats the corner clothing requirements anyway :-) So she should be properly dressed....her feet should ache.....her pussy should be wet. If not..... She can enjoy some more corner time. Or the big wooden paddle on her little tight ass.
  23. Emily........you can get out of the corner now. :-)
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